01: Rules

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The world has rules, society has rules, people have rules, and the universe has rules.

The only exception is me.

For the rules of the universe of reality do not apply to me. 

I walk down the street feeling those strange creatures, yokai as I call them, they grow from people, cling to people, and slowly kill them.

I saw one of the large Yokai run past me and I wouldn't have cared if I didn't feel that malevolent hate coming from it. I turn to face it and watch it run to an alleyway. Curiosity got the better of me and I followed.

It was a strange fleshy creature, humanoid. It had handed over its eyes and covered its ear, like the three-wise monkey.  I weave through the alleyway following the muttering Yokai.

"Someone else will save them... Not my business." It muttered and I knew the role of this creature, it was built from the hate of every victim who watched people turn their back on it.

I had to kill it.

This monster could hurt others.

There are some Yokai that always come back, the ones of bullying and stress from school always come back, maybe not in the same light or the same form but it's always the same.

This world is the same, and only I seem to notice the strangeness around me. I alone control these Yokai... Not all of them were bad, not all evil.

I bet the Yokai cat that always follows me... Cat, it's more of a demonically thin tiger, made from the hate of the feline creature, from the sadness of those who could not touch them, and the feeling of cats. Yolais from what the cat has spoken about form from negative emotions.

The real question is what is considered a negative emotion? Emotions like rage, anger, hate, and envy are all negative, but what about sadness? guilt? Honesty what about obsessive love? toxic positivity? Honestly the line between positive and negative should be on the individual not on an arbitrary idea. Or am I just overthinking it?

"Will you feed me its body?" the tiger asks, it has no name, not because I haven't tried to name it, but at every name I try to give it, it turns its nose up. Like any cat, it was fickle, fickle and demanding.

I met the tiger when I was 9. It came from the body of my dead cat, Khan. As a child, I never hid my abilities until some bullies came around. They drowned my cat, and that day I let my own rage boil over.

I let the tiger kill them, rip them to shred, and devour their flesh.

That was the day everyone called me a witch. When those bullies vanished and never came back they all blamed me, I couldn't care less they got what they deserved.

"Why?" I ask the tiger.

"I want to grow stronger." I sigh at it's words and look at it.

"If you can defeat it go for it." It licks its lips and prances forward, tongue lolled out, small chuffs coming from it. I stop walking and look behind me, something wild is coming towards us.

"You feel that?" I ask the tiger.

"We should go." The tiger said lowly beginning to run off.

"You're still going after it?" I ask it as it jogs after the Yokai.

"if whatever is behind us catch up I need that power to fight." The tiger growls as it runs off at a full sprint vanishing.

I run after it hearing the loud screech of the two Yokai's fighting. I slowly turn the corner and see the two fighting. Yokai like tigers feed off negative emotions but the tiger is different, it's a predator and it feeds off other Yokai. Since I was 9 I let the tiger feed off the corpse of the dead Yokai that I defeated. As time went by, the tiger got more picky before it used to eat and now it only goes after the strong.

I heard the sound of footsteps the vibration of many voices of Yokia. It was growing nearer and nearer, and I turned back to the tiger, "Hurry up someone is coming and I need to get going!" I growl in annoyance. Tiger transformed and let a demonic power blast from its mouth at the humanoid yokai.

"You," I froze and slowly looked back to see a much older man touching my shoulder. I almost screamed, but his smile was kind and gentle. "can see them?" He asks.

"You can see them too? The yokai?" I mumble softly.

"Yokai? You mean those Curses?"He tilts his head. His hair is long and pulled back into a bun, his Buddha-like earlobes had gauges in them.


"Those things are called curses and I am here to excuse them."

I look back at the tiger who forced the humanoid yokai to the ground and begin to eat it. I look back at the man, who watched the tiger eat, a hint of intrigue in his eyes, Melevolence, that's what I've saw.

"Not all Yokai's are bad," I mumble to him, "That tiger is kind."

"Do not fool yourselves," the man said gripping my shoulder tighter. He was wearing an odd outfit, robes in this time of age? He didn't look like a monk either.  "All curses are evil, it's in their very soul." I look back at the tiger who was done eating.

"What are you?" I ask, trying to stall him.

"We can talk after I excursize this curse."

"Tiger run!" I shout, the tiger looks up before it takes off. The man looks at me with a glare in his eyes, I grab him, "Freeze," his body freezes and I run after the tiger leaving the weirdo behind.

I kept running until I caught up with the tiger who ran all the way home. My effects on that man will only last five minutes unless I specify longer.

"Who was that?" The tiger asks.

"You're a yokai right?" I ask the tiger. It stopped licking its paws and looked at me.

"Why do you ask?" It retorts.

"He calls you a curse."

"Yokai, curse same thing." It mulls over, before flopping down and resting.

Knock knock knock.

I froze and slightly opened the door seeing that man and another guy.


A/N sorry for late update I didn't know how I wanted to start this story.

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