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Tallulah can't remember the last time she ate. Her stomach hurts so badly and she feels so weak, she can't even stand up. The alley was dark and cold but the warmth from the steam vent made up it. The only thing that kept her warm was a quilt that was big as one of the trash cans. She can't remember where it was from, but it was her's now so everyone can deal with it. She pulled it closer to her as she laid on the makeshift cardboard bed and slept.

When she woke up, the sun was shining and she hugged herself close, but she couldn't sit up.
'Is this where I'll die?' She thought, a tears dripping down her cheeks. 'I don't want to die yet, please, someone anyone...'

"Tilin! Don't run off! We need to get home." A voice said, not too far.
"But Papaaaaa! I don't wannnaaaa!" A child voice said, they entering the alley.
All Tallulah heard was a blur, she was about to close her eyes when a pair of feet entered her vision.
"Hey! Are you alright?" The child said bending down to her level.
"Tilin get back here! You're not having another meal, you just had one an hour ago." Her father, she guessed, said. What weird sayings were they talking about? Tallulah couldn't think without something in her stomach.

"Papa, she doesn't look good, can we get her some food to eat?" Tallulah perked up at the word food, she was hungry, so, so hungry.

"(Sigh) fine, but once this is done, we're dropping back here again." He bent down and carefully pulled her up to a sitting position.

"Hey, are you okay ninita?"

She slowly shook her head.

"Okay, are you okay with me picking you up?"

She nodded.

"Very well, let me know if you're getting uncomfortable." His hands went under her shoulders as he lifted her into his arms. "It's okay querida. It'll all be alright."

And Tallulah believed him.

He told her to eat small portions and to not eat fast. She ate and ate until she felt full the girl, Tilin, who was next to her watched her a lot.
It was weird. Her father, Quackity, sat across from the girls watching Tallulah with a strange gaze.

"Hey, Tallulah, can I call you Lulah?" She asked scooting closer.

She nodded.
"Hey papa! Don't me and Lulah look like each other?"
Talluah could see what Tilin was talking about, they both had the same hair color, facial features, height, but what set them apart were their eyes.
Tilin eyes were an abnormal red color while her's was a purple color.
Quackity nodded while setting a hundred dollar bill on the check.
"So, Tallulah, can you tell me why you were in that alley?" He asked.
"I-um, I don't know, sir, I was just hungry and I didn't know where I was going. I don't have a home to go sleep in, to eat, or to love. I don't know where to go." She mumbles while Tilin tilts her head curiously.
"You don't have parents?"
She nods.
"That's absurd!" She huffs. "Everyone needs a family, right papa?"
"Now, now Tilin it's not polite to be shouting in a public place, remember?"
She nods, "yes papa."
He turns to Tallulah.
"Since we're done here, would you like to go back?"
"Yes sir, I would like that."
"Alright, let's go."

They weren't that far from Tallulah's alley, she hugged her quilt close as she waved goodbye to her new friends.
"Will you be alright?" Quackity asked seeing Tallulah sit down on her cardboard bed.
She nods, "I will be, thanks to you."

"Goodbye Tallulah." Said Tilin as she waved her hand.
"Goodbye Tilin, you too Mister Quackity."

As they exited the alley and into the woods. The darkness cooling their skin from the hot sun.
"I want her papa." Tilin said.
"Tilin, Phil told you no more pets after what you did to the last one."

She huffs and plants her feet down preventing any movement.
"Tilin." He growled. "We are not doing this, if you want her. Go ask Phil."
She pouts. "But Uncle Phil will tell me noooo. I want heeeer."

"Tilin." He says in a commanding voice. "You listen to me, young lady, we will go home and you can ask Philza for permission. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes papa." She mumbled.

"Good. Now let's go."

The walked and walked until reaching a giant mansion covered in vines and leaves. It looks as if it may fall apart at any time. Like a tree frozen in time. As they walked in, footsteps were running close.

"Big Q! You're home!"

"Ayyy, Tommy. How are you, muchacho?"

"Ehh, could be better, did you bring dinner? Did ya, did ya?!"

"Calm yourself, you little shit, no I didn't. Let me through. Where's your father?"

"In his study."

"Gracias. Come Tilin."

"Yes papa."

In the study, in a big leather chair, a blonde man dressed in green was watching the fire place as Quackity and Tilin walking in.

"Afternoon, Lord Philza." He bowed.

"Hmmm, welcome back mate. No food I assume. Don't worry, Techno is coming back with one."

"My apologies."

He said waved his hand. "Oh don't worry about it, tell me, do you have something else to tell me? What is it little one?"

Tilin shook a bit but smiled as she climbed on her lords lap and purred as he petted her head.
"Sir, I know my last pet didn't last long..."
"Oh yes, you teared him apart last time I remember."
"Well...when me and papa were at the town after breakfast. I saw a girl in an alley."

He raised an eyebrow and looked a Quackity with a 'care to elaborate,' expression.

"The girls name is Tallulah, she is a street kid with no family. I treated her to some human food because she was starving."

He waved his finger in a 'come here,' and Q obeyed and kneeled before him.
"Let me see for myself." He touched his child's forehead and saw her.

The girl with hair as black as the night. Eyes like amethyst. And the innocence of a child.

She looked just like her...

"How interesting. Child, what do want from the girl?"

"I want a sister, my lord, I know I have Chayanne but I wish to make up for all my mistakes in the past and be the best big sister I can be!"

"Hmmm, Quackity, what is your opinion?"

Quackity thought for a moment and took his lords hand.

"Tilin may have made mistakes but I can see she was wants prove herself to be responsible. She is growing up into a full fledged vampire after all."

Philza laughed as Tilin started to twirl his hair.

"Very well, by the next blood moon. We will welcome your new little sister."

Tilin squealed. "Yes!! Thank you so much, my lord!" 

He laughed as she climbed down and bounced around the room until she ran out to her brother's room.


"Yes, my lord?"

"We only have one week until the next blood moon, bring the girl here immediately. Unharmed, not a scratch or injury on her."

"As you wish." He bowed and turned to leave.

"And Quackity?"

He stopped and turned around.
"Yes my lord?"

He stood up and smirked sinisterly.

"If anyone interferes, deal with them as you see fit."

He smiled and nodded.

"Yes , my lord."

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