Chapter 29: Goodbyes

Start from the beginning


Jaehaerys Targaryen smiled at her when she entered his chambers. The moment he saw her, he knew his time had come. 

Morgana sat at the side of his bed, her fingers brushing back the hair from his forehead. He knew he was old and unsightly, but she still looked at him with the same desire and adoration as she did in his youth. 

He accepted her kisses and whispered his love. 

"Goodbye, my wise king... Thank you for the peace you have gifted me." 

Morgana stayed with him all night, holding his hand as he drifted off to sleep for the final time. 


Alicent Hightower remained at her husband's side as any dutiful wife would. She had heard his mutterings about Aegon and his dream... Too lost in her own thoughts she had failed to notice anyone else in the room until Viserys called her name, "Morgana... my morgana..." 

"Hello, my sweet Viserys." The dragon witch cooed, lifting the golden mask from his half-rotted face and kissing his horrible features. 

"What are you doing here? How are you-" With the hissing sound of parseltongue Alicent was unable to speak anymore, forced to watch her husband's ugly face smile up at the serpent whore who seduced her eldest son.  

"Morgana... you have returned to me... Don't leave me again..." Viserys begged, weakly reaching for her lovely face. 

"I have missed you, Vis... Thank you for showing me such devotion... I love you, my kind King." 

Alicent was present when her husband died in the arms of his eternal lover. She had watched Morgana howl in pain as the bond broke, she had watched the witch sob and mourn her lost love, clutching onto his dead body as she did the others. 

Before disappearing once more, right before Alicent's eyes.


Aegon sat choking on his own blood, the poison from the wine, served to him by his own men, coursed through him. His broken body lay gasping on his bed, scarred and ruined beyond recognition. 

Tears rolled down his face as he called for her. He choked out her name just as he did every time something terrible was happening. But this was the first time she answered his prayers. 

Morgana's arms wrapped around him, pulling him into her chest as she kissed his burned face. Her magic flowed through his body, taking away the pain as he continued to cough up his own blood. 

Morgana kissed him and he stopped struggling, feeling loved again for the first time since she had gone away. 

He loved her. Oh, how he loved her. 

She was half of his mind, body, and soul. Her kiss had revived his long-dead soul as he melted into her embrace, basking in the heat of their bond. 

"I am here, My Aegon. I am with you... I love you... you are not alone... thank you for trusting me..." She whispered further endearments and Aegon couldn't help but think death a worthy price if it meant being with her again. 


Jaime Lannister did not know true fear until Morgana Slytherin appeared before him as his sword pierced the mad king Aery Targaryen's heart. 

As Aerys collapsed forward into her embrace, Jaime could have sworn she was a dead man. He waited for those piercing grey steel eyes of legend to turn on him. He waited for the vengeful goddess of the histories to return and wipe out the Lannister line and all their allies. 

But she didn't even acknowledge him as she held Aerys close, kissing his cheeks as he clutched her painfully tight. Her hands soaked with his blood as she lowered herself onto her knees, cradling him close.

"I'm sorry I did not come... I'm sorry I can not save you this time, Aerys... But I am here with you...I love you... Thank you for wanting me... my mad king..." He heard her whisper as she began speaking in high Valyrian more promises of remaining at his side and loving him until death. 

He watched the moment the mad king died. He heard her screams of agony as the fabled dragon bond broke in two. Her cries haunted him for years to come. He never told anyone of the dragon's switched presence that day in the throne room. Not until he saw her again much later...


As Robert Baratheon lifted his mighty hammer to land the final blow on the already dying silver prince, he was suddenly thrown back. 

The battle stopped dead in its tracks as they all turned toward the thunderous arrival of the dragon witch. 

They had feared this... 

The day they rose against the house of the dragon, terror gripped their souls that one day the dragon witch would return and smite them all. 

But she didn't even look at them as she collapsed next to Rhaegar. She looked exhausted as she pulled off his battered helmet. Her dress soaked through as she kneeled in the river at his side. He looked up at her like she were an angel sent to deliver him. 

He choked, unable to say her name, his chest caved in from Robert's war hammer. 

"Your son is safe... Your legacy will live on long after you... for your son is the prince who was promised. I will make a king of your son, the world will bow before him... I love you Rhaegar, thank you for giving me my promised one." None could understand the High Valyrian words. 

Armies all held their breath as she kissed his, a final farewell... 

She cried out in agony as the final bond snapped. Her screams shook the war-hardened men as they awaited their deaths. But they never came... She stood magically lifting the deceased Rhaegar out of the water.

"Listen well all of you... I will return with the one true king... and the seven kingdoms will fall as they did so long ago... fear the day of my return." 

With that final oath, the dragon witch was gone, not to be seen again for many years. 

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