Chapter 3

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-- DHRUV --

"She's late again, even though I told her to come back on time. Now, she is gonna get a good scolding from dadi," I muttered to myself, checking the time. It was already 5 pm.

"Is Isha here?" asked mom as she knocked on the door.

"Ma, she is on her way, I just called her," I lied to mom, trying to cover for someone who didn't bother picking up my calls despite five missed attempts.

"Okay then just tell her that I called the makeup artist for each of them and she is waiting downstairs."

"Sure, ma."

"She was about to leave then suddenly she looked at me and asked, 'and why are you not ready yet, should I send someone to take out muhraat especially for you.'"

"Seriously, it takes me hardly 15 minutes to get ready," I said as I sat on my bed after taking a long nap.

"Whatever, I don't want any of you to be late," she said hurriedly, leaving the room.

As soon as she left, I laid down on the bed and started scrolling through reels. Then, there she entered with exhaustion written all over her face, Isha.

"Where were you and why did you not pick up my calls?"

She ignored me and went towards the balcony to open the curtains. I was furious, she has not been answering me at all nowadays and even in morning I just asked her to be on time and there she was screaming at me.

Determined to confront her, I seized her hand and pulled her towards me, forcing her to meet my gaze. Our proximity was unnervingly close, the space between us charged with unspoken tension. Once, such closeness would have elicited laughter and shared secrets, but now it only served to highlight the chasm that had formed between us.

"I asked you a simple question and you cant still answer that."

"Here's a simple answer, my dear husband I was in the office and my battery died. Need anything more?" with that said she glared at me.

She looked at me with those dove eyes, those eyes still had that effect on me. Her gaze met mine, her eyes holding a depth of emotion that stirred something within me. For a moment, I found myself captivated by the intensity of her stare, unable to tear my gaze away.

"If not, then leave my hand" she hissed.

Before either of us could speak further, there came a gentle knock on the door, signaling the arrival of the makeup artist. Sensing the need for a temporary reprieve, I excused myself from the room, leaving Isha to attend to her appearance.

As I made my way downstairs, I couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had settled over me. Our brief exchange had only served to underscore the growing distance between us, leaving me to wonder if our fractured bond could ever be repaired.

I saw Aakriti Bhabhi, she was all ready in a rose pink coloured saree matching with chandelier earrings and bangles which gave it a complete look. She was giving orders to servants and was annoyed and I am sure that they did some mistakes.

"Dhruv, why are you not ready yet?" she had finished giving the orders and seignated works and I knew its my time to get scolding now.

"I was going to go upstairs Bhabhi." I tried to give her those puppy eyes but it failed miserably. I dont know how Yuvaan does it every othertime and also succeds.

"Do not give any excuse, Its already 6"

"Whatt? " I did not realise the time because of ongoing call with my manager, "Just give me 15 mins Bhabhi, I will be right infront of you" with that being said I hurriedly left for my room.

"You better be" I heard her saying it.

Suddenly my eyes fell on Saurya Bhaiya who was admiring her from afar, "why did he mess it", these were my exact thoughts.

As I entered the room, my eyes fell on Isha. She was beautifully dressed in a blue coloured mermaid gown showing her perfect curves with drop earrings and how much did she loved choker. Sjhe was completely mesmerized in her phone and I could not see beyond her wavy hairs and those smile that seemed to be gone like a midnight.

I suddenly came back to my senses and went to closet to change. I knew it would only take me few minutes to get ready. Just as I came back to my room I saw Isha googling her eyes at me.

"When did you come in? " she asked as soon as she realized she was staring at me.

"Few minutes ago" I said in a cold tone. She did not even realise my presence when I came in SERIOUSLYY!!

"Oh! "

This month has been different. Its like walking through a fog, surrounded by people yet feeling utterly alone. She used to fill the spaces between us with fiery arguments, but now theres only silence, a silence that grows louder with each passing day.

"Shall we go down? "I questioned to if she needed time or we could proceed. She simply nodded and started wearing her sandals. From that onwards she had thrown out each pair of her heels, all she now had were sneakers, sandals and flats. She loathed heels.

We were the first one to reach down. Everybody else were late except maa ofcourse. She had already reached the destination.

A soft voice breaks through the stillness, pulling me from my thoughts. Its Isha, her words a gentle reminder of what we used to be. "You are looking good," she says, and for a moment, Im lost for words. It feels strange to hear her voice again, to have that connection restored even for a fleeting moment.

"Thanks," I manage, my response lacking the usual edge that defined our interactions. We walk to the car in silence, the weight of our unspoken words heavy between us.

As we drive to our destination, I steal glances at her, trying to read the emotions flickering across her face. "You look gorgeous yourself," I finally say, breaking the silence with a compliment that feels long overdue.

"Thanks," she replies, her lips curling into a brief smile before the mask slips back into place. We arrive at the venue and pose for the waiting paparazzi, our smiles masking the turmoil that churns beneath the surface.

Entering the hall, the echoes of our silence follow us, a reminder of the distance that has grown between us. But maybe, just maybe, theres still a chance to bridge that gap and find our way back to each other.





Heyy guys!!! Did you like this chapter or not. Please do comment and tell. Since my exams are going on I could not write the chapter on time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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