marker is NOT a little weakling

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you guys, do NOT let the weak marker propaganda take over.

he is NOT a weakling and he NEVER WAS!!

he is NOT A WIMP!!

consider this: his major hobby, which he clearly does a lot of, is dirt tossing, something that would take a lot of physical strength and endurance to do!! he also seems to be a good swimmer, as shown in a few recent tpot episodes. plus, there are some smaller things, like how he fought with teardrop, and him picking up like...four blocks at once (although their weight is unknown) with no struggle at all?

so yeah anyways

marker is strong

he is not a weakling

do not let the weakling marker believers get to you

also i'm only saying this HALF because i think it would be hot if marker could lift me over his head and/or beat me upWHO SAID THAT

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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