The glass shattering had halted most conversations around the hall, everyone turning to look at the cause.

Vienna spun around. "Turn around." She ordered. "There is nothing to see here."

And almost immediately, people returned to their chatter, no doubt discussing what had happened to the first year Gryffindor girl.

Vienna spared one last look at her brother before storming out of the great hall, ears ringing and head spinning. She didn't register the footsteps behind her as she made her way through the corridors of the castle.


Vienna stopped in her tracks and turned around, meeting the eyes of her head of year. "Professor Mcgonnagall."

"Bennet, what was that in there?" The woman asked in a sharp tone.

"Professor, I–"

"Follow me." She said before taking off, her green cloak billowing around her. Vienna gulped nervously and followed her. It didn't take her long to decipher where the woman was leading her to; her office.

In the office, Mcgonnagall sat behind her desk and motioned for Vienna to take the other seat. She did as requested.

"Biscuit?" She offered.

Vienna frowned, looking at the plate of biscuits which Mcgonnagall had offered her. She raised an eyebrow and took one off the plate, eyeing it.

"I didn't poison them." The woman said with a light tone, and if anyone were to look close, it could maybe be classified as a half-smile.

Vienna tentatively ate the biscuit, feeling awkward as she got surveyed by Mcgonnagall. It made her feel vulnerable, like the older woman was looking into her secrets. Everything which she had managed to keep in until this morning. All the stress, expectations, fears, doubts, pressure from her parents, and her crumbling relationship with Cardan.

"You're scared." She stated.

"I'm not!" Vienna exclaimed, scoffing. "Why would I be scared?"

"Vienna. It's not a bad thing to be scared. Every first year is, as of today and tomorrow."

"Why don't you do anything about it then?" Snarked Vienna. "You could enforce a curfew. Make sure no one leaves their common rooms. The house heads could stay in the common room at night to make sure no one gets in. You do could something! Anything!"

Mcgonnagall sighed. "It's not that easy. Don't you think we've tried? But every time we do, something happens. The last time we tried, Professor Sprout was hospitalised for a month."

Vienna's mouth turned dry. She suddenly felt bad for exploding. "Sorry." She apologised. "I didn't know."

"It's alright." Said Mcgonnagall. "We all have emotions. Some of us larger than others." She was referring to Vienna losing control of herself in the great hall. Exploding everything on the Gryffindor table.

"It's hard." She eventually said. "I never really had any friends other than Cardan and the first few days I'm here, he's being a dickhead, sorry for the language. I used to tell him everything, but now I can't tell him anything."

NIGHTMARE FUEL, hp Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang