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Abhimaan's family:-

Pratap Rathore,
Abhimaan's Grandfather:

Pratap Rathore, the revered patriarch of the Rathore family, is a man of few words but boundless wisdom. With a gentle demeanor and a twinkle in his eye, he holds the reins of Rathore Enterprises with a firm yet loving hand. Behind his weathered face lies a lifetime of stories and lessons, his presence a source of strength and guidance for his grandson Abhimaan. In the heart of this humble patriarch beats the spirit of a true leader, whose legacy will endure long after his footsteps fade into memory.

Naina Rathore:
Abhimaan's Sister

Naina Rathore is the embodiment of grace and elegance, her presence a soothing balm amidst the storm of corporate intrigue. As Abhimaan's younger sister, she shares a deep bond with him forged in the fires of childhood memories and shared experiences. With a warm smile and a kind heart, Naina navigates the complexities of family and business with poise and dignity. Though not directly involved in the day-to-day operations of Rathore Enterprises, her support and wisdom are invaluable to her brother, serving as a steady anchor in his turbulent world.

Vikram Singhania:
Naina's Husband

Vikram Singhania is the epitome of charm and sophistication, his magnetic personality drawing admiration from all who cross his path. As Naina's husband, he brings a breath of fresh air into the Rathore family, his easygoing nature a perfect complement to her quiet strength. With a successful career of his own, Vikram is a respected figure in his own right, his business acumen matched only by his unwavering loyalty to his family. Though not born into the Rathore legacy, he has embraced it wholeheartedly, his love for Naina and their family binding him to their fortunes with unbreakable bonds.

Riya Singhania:
Abhimaan's Niece

Riya Singhania is a ray of sunshine in the Rathore household, her infectious laughter and boundless energy bringing joy to all who know her. As the daughter of Naina and Vikram, she is the apple of her parents' eye and the pride of her uncle Abhimaan. With a curious mind and a playful spirit, Riya explores the world with wide-eyed wonder, her youthful exuberance a constant source of delight for her family. Though still young, she already shows signs of inheriting the Rathore entrepreneurial spirit, her bright future a testament to the enduring legacy of her family.

Tara's family:-

Tara's Father - Mr. Ramesh Malhotra:

Mr. Malhotra is a shadow from Tara's past, his presence a haunting echo of pain and fear. As Tara's father, he was meant to be her protector, but instead, he became the source of her torment. With a heavy hand and a cruel tongue, he ruled their home with fear and intimidation, leaving scars that still ache in Tara's heart.

Tara's Sister - Meera Malhotra:

Meera is a bitter memory from Tara's childhood, her sister but also her tormentor. With a heart hardened by jealousy and resentment, she reveled in making Tara's life miserable. Behind her sweet smiles lay a twisted desire to see her sister suffer, leaving Tara to navigate the darkness alone, her only solace found in the light of her own resilience.

Abhimaan's Personal Assistant - Rohan Kapoor:

Rohan Kapoor is Abhimaan's right-hand man, a loyal ally in the battlefield of business. With a sharp mind and a keen eye for detail, he anticipates his boss's every need, ensuring that Abhimaan's empire runs like a well-oiled machine. Despite their professional relationship, Rohan is more than just an employee – he is a trusted friend and confidante, his unwavering support a pillar of strength for Abhimaan in times of crisis.

Tara's Personal Assistant - Maya Sharma:

Maya Sharma is Tara's steadfast companion in the tumultuous world of high finance. With a calm demeanor and unflappable professionalism, she keeps Tara's hectic schedule in check, handling everything from appointments to emergencies with grace and efficiency. Beyond her role as a personal assistant, Maya is also Tara's closest friend, her unwavering loyalty and sage advice providing a steady anchor in the stormy seas of corporate intrigue.

Rest of the characters will be introduced in upcoming chapters.

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