Dear Future Husband

Start from the beginning

"What, Sister?" Romani tilted her head.

"I thought we could get him a book from the Observatory, but I'd bet he's already read most of the ones there..." Cremia explained as she finished enjoying her own of soup. She started to gather up the bowls to wash them up and put them away, but Romani held onto hers for a moment.

"Romani? I need to wash that," Cremia held out her hand, asking for the bowl. Romani didn't respond, instead just staring at the bowl from every angle possible. Her eyes examined the wooden item, before finally a spark went off in her head.

"AHA!! Romani knows exactly what to get Grasshopper!" Romani jumped up and stood on her chair, holding the bowl triumphantly. The legs of the chair wobbled a bit, the ranch girl's eyes widening as she carefully sat back down, afraid of falling. "It'll be perfect, Sister!"

"What? A bowl? You're going to give him a bowl?" Cremia raised one eyebrow, confusion falling across her face.

"Huh? No, that's silly!" Romani gave her older sister a smug look, as if her line of thinking was far superior to Cremia's. She held up the bowl and pointed to it, smiling, "Romani's going to make Grasshopper a mask! Just like the ones he likes to collect!"

"Not with that bowl, you're not!" Cremia swiped the bowl out of Romani's hand and went to wash it. She turned on the sink tap and started to work, her sister running up beside her. "These are our good bowls! You can use some of the spare firewood we have out back. Besides, do you even know how to make a wooden mask?"

A bit of the cheerfulness faded from Romani's face as she thought about the prospect of making a mask all by herself. What would it look like? How big should it be? Would it be something Link would like? What if it wasn't perfect? It had to be perfect!

"Oh no..." Cremia realized what she had done.

"AH! Sister!! What is Romani going to do?!" Romani wailed as she held her hands to her face in despair.

"Alright, alright, calm down," Cremia spoke in a soothing tone, as she learned from her own mother before her passing. It always worked to ease Romani whenever she grew anxious or worried. Here it only did partly, the little ranch girl's breath being whisked away as she thought endlessly about what to do.

For a couple of minutes, Romani wouldn't listen to a word Cremia said, trying to figure everything out on her own. It wasn't useful, as she simply ran outside to the back of the house and tried to find a piece of wood small enough to carry back into the house and try and make it into a mask. There was one, but it was buried underneath a bunch of heavier logs. Romani trudged back inside emptyhanded and ashamed.

"Romani, don't worry, I can help you make him a mask..." Cremia sounded hopeful for a number of reasons. She didn't actually know how to carve, but perhaps if she went into town and found one of Link's friends, they could help. "We can even go to Clock Town and see if someone can give us some- uh, tips!"

Romani perked up the instant Cremia mentioned Clock Town. Jim! Jim could help! From what she remembered, he was training with a sword, so maybe he could figure something out in terms of carving.

"Alright then, let's go!" Romani pointed to the door with a huge grin on her face. She was then there, then gone in a flash, bolting out the door and heading to the barn to fetch the horse.

"Such a little gremlin..." Cremia shook her head and then chuckled to herself before walking out to join her sister.


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