Before them:part 4

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I have understood many things throughout the year till now.
I already have known that how you want your life to go on,it doesn't go through like you want cause god have written our fates like this.
I have always wondered that why all the bad things happening to me or not someone else.But as the time passes,I got to know that everything you have faced in your life are the best lessons of my life, you don't get what you want,but gets what you needs.
My family is totally a strict family and if anyone of my readers who are reading this story can relate to me that how a strict life being is. At first i don't have any personal issue with it because I was a single child then.But as the time passes,my other siblings were born I got to realised that what a elder born's reputation in the family is like so much a role model for the whole society. He/She is responsible for all the family's wealth,growth,desires or anything else. But no-one is gonna think about that what that elder child wants or what he wants to do and become in his/her life. As a result of this might came to sometimes bad consequences which leads to the destruction of their mindset and life.
Believe me! He is never gonna wanted to takes responsiblity for their own well-being or their loved ones.They are gonna regret that what the hell he has done to live that a horrible life and this is not a joke.Many people considered it as
a nature and rule of life but they never gonna think about that a human is made of emotions,not by materialistic things.They have heart in their chest,not the stone. They have soul in his body,not the pierced parts of ashes. As a elder child or sibling, i have realised that being a elder child is not so easy. You have to take not the only responsibility of family,but also the
burden of your not pierced dreams that you had done daydreaming sometimes.
As a elder sibling,i also realised that after your parents you are responsible for the well being of your house besides even if you are a girl or not.But there is only one default that which is arousing is that our parents can't know about the situation or mind thoughts which are spinning in our minds. As a result of this some of them become depressed,some of them  become introvert,some of them become totally destructive people which leads to their destruction of their own desires, thoughts, ambitions, goals,targets or something else that we want to ever become.
It also leads to the upcoming of negative thoughts which are very harmful.But only God knows what we have been throughing or what we are feeling. It's like an suffocating mess from which we can never pass through!
At last I just wanted to state that being a protective and strict is safe until it becomes a possessiveness which leads to many of us internal death.


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