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"And the winner for this contest is....Ms.Jezelle Caias! Let us give her a round of applause.

"It's me, I won.. I thought proudly. I stood up and shyly went to the stage and gave my speech.

" Guys, I definitely didn't expect this as I am just as clumsy as a panda but, I think I deserved this because I believe, I gave my best. I gave my all. And for me, that's what matters the most. Many people out there are just like me. Afraid to show their true colors, they're afraid of judgements. And I know how they feel. Because I was in the exact same page. I was also being judged. But, I conquered it all. I handled it by thinking positive and that, those hates, vulgar comments, they are just list of some people's insecurities and the things they are lacking of. So, just always remember this trait, "

"The trees have 2 types of fruits, the rotten and the fresh. If you're asking yourself why they do that to you, remember that, people chooses the rotten fruits as the fresh one's are hard to reach." always remember that guys. I hope my speech inspired you all to be yourself. Not just some mannequin that everyone loves because of the hideous dresses, fabulous jewelries and such. People is only watching your backgrounds and check if you're great or not in their friendship and life. That's life. So thank you to all my supporters for supporting me. I hope you got what I mean in this speech, thank you so much!".

I bowed exact 90° to show my respect as it is a Korean awarding. Yeah, I'm a model, a super model.

*Skip Time*

*|Jezelle's POV|*

I opened my car and placed the bouquet and trophy at that awarding. I started heading home as I was exhausted that time. When I reached home, laid my phone out and sat on the sofa.

I suddenly remembered that I still haven't posted anything. So I took a selfie and posted it in my insta and tweet. A few moments later, my manager called me.

"Hello?". I say through the phone. "Ms. Jezelle Caias, aren't you forgetting something?", he asked but, I'm literally clueless of what he's talking about.

" The photoshoot Jezelle! Hurry up, we'll loose a few millions because of you!" I heard him shout through the phone.

"Coming sir, just give me five more minutes and I'll be there!"" Well you better hurry up cause the photographers are impatient!""Yes sir, on it!", I responded.

Shockss, I totally forgot about that shooting! Maybe it's because of the hectic schedule Mr Han gave me. Yes, Mr. Han is the manager I'm referring to. After a few minutes, I arrived at the venue of the photoshoot. They didn't gave me five minutes to settle! As soon as I arrived, they just told me to pose in an instant. So, I do as they say without any word. It's my fault anyways so I didn't say anything.

After the photoshoot, I went home and took a quick nap. And when I woke up, I heard someone screaming. Decidedly, I went to check up on that.

To my surprise, my whole family was in the sofa, eating snacks while watching movie. I was genuinely shocked to see them but, I am also happy that they're still here.

"If this is a dream, please don't wake me up, I'll just live here.", I mouth whilst a drop of tear was streaming down my cheeks. "What's wrong honey?" I heard mom. "Yeah everything's fine mom." I said and headed towards them.

We watched the movie altogether. I pinched myself and realised that is is really true, I was just dreaming! "Sis, aren't you gonna go back to the real world?" I froze upon hearing that.

"Hey, sis, you still there?"

"What?What did you say just now?" I asked, nervously.

"I said, are you still there." "No, the one before that".

" Oh, I said, aren't you gonna go back to the real world?" She asked, again. "No, what do you mean?" "Stop pretending Jezelle, we all know I'm dead." Dad's word softened me, causing my heart to stop for a moment. "No. No dad, you're not dead. You are alive! You're still here with us still, yeah?"

"Jezelle, wake up. This is not real, Dad is still here! He's alive!" I cried, I cried pretty hard shouting.

" No! Dad's alive! He's with us! He is definitely alive! He's been with us!". I screamed.

He's not dead, he's not dead. Those are the words that are ringing in my head."Arrgghhhh" I woke up.
It's just a dream. Dad's dead. He left us. I threw a tantrum. No one would be there to stop me anyways. I tried, really, reallyt hard not to cry but, these tears are out of my control, they keep surging. And at the end, I just let it all out anyways. I fell asleep while crying too hard....

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