Otto x Tit (Smut) Pt.1

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Tit is aged up in this, he is 24 in this one shot and Otto is 55843485467067570746 years old😌(just kidding, I actually don't know his real age😓)

(Also imma make Tit innocent in this one😏)
This was not proof read either sooooo, I'm sorry if there's spelling mistakes as well as grammar problems 😞🤯

No one's Pov:
As the sun was slowly setting, Tit and Otto were returning to their house after a date. But there was something up with Otto and Tit noticed.

Tit's Pov:
Otto took me on a date today! I really enjoyed it, he took me to a cute cafe and guess what! It was cat themed! I love cats especially when they're kittens ❤ They're always so cute and soft and their little meows are so adorable <3 But as we were returning home I noticed that Otto seemed to be acting a little.. strange? I think he might have a fever, hes quite red in the face- hehe, kinda like a strawberry 🙂

Otto's Pov:
Earlier today I asked Tit if he wanted to go on a date with me, I was glad he said yes. I took him to a cafe that was cat themed, I knew he liked cats I remember overhearing Tit talking in his sleep, I think it was something about-cat's dressed in tuxedo's trying to make him their "Cat princess" or "Cat Goddess"? Something like that, while we were walking home I started to feel weird. I think I may be sick or something because I could feel my face burning up, and that's not even the weirdest part. It felt as if my pants were suffocating my lower half, I may have an idea on why it is that I'm feeling like this. I just hope I'm wrong.

No one's Pov:
After a few minutes of walking they finally made it back to their house and decided to go and do their own thing, except for Otto. He noticed that a little friend of his was trying to make himself known, of course Otto being Otto he was NOT going to tell his angel boyfriend know
that he was in need of relief/oral/sex when the poor thing doesn't even know where babies come from- let alone sex. Otto decided to take care of his business in the bathroom/toilet (they're combined). But Otto forgot to lock the door (y'know, cause he's old? 😅 I know my humours broken, ANYWAY back to the story).

He got himself situated and pulled down his pants till they were down to his ankles and he started to take care of his problem by giving himself a handjob, slowly stroking himself up and down at a good pace before slightly speeding up. After about 6-7 minutes he felt himself slowly reaching his climax, slowly bringing himself over the edge as he got faster with every stroke he gave to his aching erection that so desperately needed to be touched. Although, just as he had released...

Tit's Pov:
When we returned home we went our separate ways and did our own thing for the time being, although there weren't many exciting things to do at home, I just wandered around the house looking for something to entertain myself just until the time passed and though there weren't many things to do, I had just taken a small walk around the house looking at some of the flowers and plants that grew around the trees. Sometimes it gets a little lonely with it being just the two of us but it's also quite peaceful when it's just Otto and I.

After about 5 minutes of wandering around like a lost kitten in an alley way of dogs, I decided to go back inside, when I noticed that I hadn't seen Otto since we arrived. So I got curious as to where he might've ran off to, after about a minute or two of searching for him I was starting to give up but then I heard a weird noise. I think it came from the bathroom?(I'll be calling the toilet/bathroom since it sounds more sanitary 😘) I slowly approached the door to what I think sounded like Otto's voice? I let my curiosity get the best of me and I turned the door knob without knocking and I saw...

No one's Pov:
Tit opened the door and was shocked to see Otto practically half naked sitting on the side of the tubs walls? (Idk if that's what they're called) While a shocked and somewhat panicked Otto staring back at Tit as if he'd seen a ghost (👻 woOoOoOoOoOoo~ sorry I had to🥲)

Tit: uhh... Otto? What're you doing?

Otto: N-nothing Tit- uhhh I think you should leave-....

Tit: But- what're you doing? And whats that white stuff on your hands?

Otto: ...

To be continued
Heheheheheehehe 🤭 how do you like my cliffhanger??? MWAHAHA

Word count: 833

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