There was a shuffling of bodies as chairs moved, scratching against the floor. Wren, Zander, Brenna, and Codey, along with the other raiders going to the prison, formed a close circle around her dad and the maps and blueprints he spread on the table. Mason huffed from the room.

Her father explained the plan once everyone found a seat. "There are five levels to the prison. Codex's parents will be on the top level because they're not considered dangerous and most likely would not be able to escape. As you move down levels, the convicts get deadlier. People who have raped and murdered outside of hooking up."

"That doesn't happen," Codey said.

"You might not hear about it, but it does happen. More often than New State would like."

"I can't..." Codey's voice trailed off.

Rafe frowned. "According to our intelligence, Level Five is submerged. Not only a prison, it's also the lab where they create Phantoms."

"What exactly can we expect to find on Level Five?" Zander asked.

"You get pardoned for crimes if you join the Phantom Program. We've fought these cyborgs. They're monstrosities. We believe prisoners aren't offered other options. They are tortured until they agree to the program."

"I don't believe it." Codey's fear radiated off him.

"New State isn't exactly what they condition you to believe it is." Rafe's words were gentle.

"Is that what they're doing to my parents?" His eyes moistened.

Wren's dad was honest. "It's nothing good."

Too honest, Wren thought as she let her hand cover Codex's clenched one.

"So how do we get in?" Brenna asked. Her hair was an intricate map of golden braids; lean muscles popped in her arms as she moved closer to the maps. Battle scars stood vivid against the tattoos etched along her silk-white arms.

"That's our conundrum," her father replied. "We have two options. We can go in the front doors on the upper level and be closer to where Codey's parents are held, but there's much more security. The security team also found a tunnel exit from the fifth level. They believe it's only used by Phantoms to enter and exit the building but can't be sure. It doesn't appear heavily guarded, but there is no way to tell what you might encounter on the lower levels. What do you think, Baxter?"

He turned toward an ancient warrior. Baxter, silver hair cropped tight against his skull, a puckered scar running from cheek to lip, had led the military for as long as her father had been a leader of the Grounders.

Baxter took a moment to study the building blueprints. "With only twelve, we need to attack up front. I can't risk people getting lost in the tunnels underneath or facing Phantoms as soon as they enter."

There was a murmur of consent. Wren's dad continued. "Baxter and I will work on the details. The attack is scheduled two days from tonight. You will all be informed of your roles and responsibilities shortly. Dismissed!"

"Wren." Her dad drew her aside before she could slip out of the room. "Be careful when you go to the prison, okay."

"Always." She gave him a mock salute.

"I'm being serious. You're my little girl, and I can't lose you. I'd ask you to stay behind, but this is important to you. I understand that."

"Why are you doing this?" Wren asked. "Codey's parents aren't worth the risk."

"It's much more complicated than that. There are bigger picture issues." He ran a hand over his eyes.

"Such as?"

"That is a conversation that needs much more time than we have now. Big changes are coming, Wren. Be ready for them." His smile was sad. "Always remember I love you."

"I love you too. This isn't over." With a quick hug, Wren dashed away.

Codex had waited outside the door, and the pair ambled along the corridors, slowly making it back to Wren's home. It was both awkward and wonderful having him around, but with Wren's family constantly interrupting and Parker demanding Codey's attention, they had little time.

"Do you want to see something interesting?" Wren hoped to get Codey alone for a while.

"How much more interesting can this place get?" he asked.

Wren noticed how his new crew cut made Codey appear mature. The small scar at the back of his head from where they had removed the CHIP was healing and less noticeable.

"If you're not interested..." Wren began.

"I never said that. I'm interested. There are only so many games of dunce I can play with Parker. I miss Makers of Mayhem, and I'll never get to play it again." Sadness visited his face again.

"Having live people around to interact with instead of a game must have some perks?"

"There were people around, but it's okay here. I'm leaning there's more to life than the constant computer interaction."

"Like feeling and emotions." She so wanted to analyze what existed between them. "The kiss."

"Parker's great and wish I had a little brother, but I haven't won a game of Dunce yet." He has multiple girlfriends, and he's only eleven. Wait until he grows up."

"Not quite what I was wondering about." He didn't have any idea how the kiss affected her. Did he even care? "Come on." She grabbed his hand, dragging him along. They moved into deeper darkness, following a series of dimly lit corridors.

"Where are you taking me?"

Wren felt his hand tighten around hers.

"My friends and I used to come here a lot when we were young. We thought it was dangerous and daring. Now, no one really comes here anymore, but I still find it beautiful."

They entered a huge rocky cavern. Stalactites hung from the ceiling like icicles and illuminated the area with fluorescent colors.

"This is amazing." Codey's words betrayed his awe.

Colors twinkled like fireflies in the darkness above them. Wren's hand burned hot in his.

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