Chapter 1

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As the day dragged on Tanjiro couldn't wait to go home. He couldn't wait to see Zenitsu, Zenitsu is Tanjiros boyfriend who doesn't pay attention to him or show him anything but cruelty but Tanjiro doesn't care. Tanjiro loves Zenitsu with all his heart he's all he could think about while he's at work making enough money for rent since Zenitsu would rather stay home all day. Tanjiro was getting his stuff ready after working all day at flipping burgers he opened his phone to see no messages from Zenitsu just one from his little sister Nezuko.

Nezuko: Hey big brother I know we haven't spoke in a while but there's something I need to meet with you and speak about

Tanjiro: Sure! Just set up a date and time

Nezuko: The flower cafe in 2 weeks

Tanjiro: Perfect!

Tanjiro closed his phone and started to walk home it was raining but just ever so lightly. He would have used the car but Zenitsu probably would have yelled at him about it Tanjiro did not want to make Zenitsu angry at him. So he walked to work and back everyday he didn't mind it he felt like Zenitsu would pay more attention to him if his body look in shape. Tanjiro had a ways to walk maybe at least 2 more hours till he made it home. "Damn now I wish I took the car" he muttered. But as Zenitsu says "Your the money maker, Plus you walk all day in that stupid ass restaurant so you should be able to walk 3 hours to and from." The words replaying multiple times in Tanjiros mind.

He was down to hour 1 as those words still played he heard his stomach growl which moved him from his trance. "Now I'm hungry?" Tanjiro opened his wallet pulling some money out and stopping at the local bakery store he got a box of bread for him and Zenitsu to eat since he knew dinner would be late. Because of how Zenitsu sees Tanjiro takes care of wife like-chores. Including of course the cooking Tanjiro opened the house door and sighed doing a little jump he was finally home.

Tanjiro looked around the living room and kitchen not seeing Zenitsu he took his shoes off and sat the bread box down "Maybe he's in the bathroom" Tanjiro thought so he walked up the stairs he sniffed a fruity yet familiar smell he always smelt this smell when coming home but he never thought anything of it.

Tanjiro creeped the stairs more to hear a moaning kind of laugh he walked to the bathroom door "Come on Zenitsu be faster Tanjiro will be home soon~"A female voiced moaned out Tanjiro could hear the clapping sounds. His eyes blurrying with tears he felt disgusted before even opening the door Tanjiro slowly walking to he and Zenitsus room he packed a bag of clothes and sat his key down he walked downstairs and sat on the couch turning all the lights off.

About 2 hours later Zenitsu and the girl came downstairs "It's late and he still isn't here?" She questioned "Well you could stay" Zenitsu cooed "No I couldn't and risk Tanjiro finding out? I just couldn't" She said grabbing her shoes before picking them up she gasped "z-zenitsu there's another pair of shoes here" Zenitsu bent down to check and they looked at each other.

"Your right she could stay" They looks around into the darkness not being able to make out who said that zenitsu hit the lights there Tanjiro was sitting on the couch with his bag next to him "Hey babe how long have you been home?" Zenitsu stated a little awkward "Just enough to hear all the moaning the degraded, the praising, even the slaps"  Tanjiro admitted and got up grabbing his bag "Cheating on me while I work to pay stupid rent for this dumb ass house!" Tanjiro yelled making both the woman and Zenitsu flinch "Cheating?" Zenitsu said "No babe she's my um she's my therapist we were jus-" Zenitsu couldn't think of a lie at that moment "Just fucking in the bathtub that I clean you have never touched that bathroom or cleaned it!" Tanjiro yelled tears starting to creep into his eyes. The women sighed "What do you expect you can't satisfy him your At work all the time he poor needs haven't been met" She smirked Tanjiro chuckled "So you find comfort in fucking this bitch?" Tanjiro said which pissed her off. Tanjiro picked up his bag and walked out of the house he didn't look back.

After leaving Tanjiro regretted it he had nowhere to go but a cold alleyway which he slept in he phone died. He had no way to charge it and all he could do was cry he couldn't believe it. He asked himself what he did wrong or if he did anything wrong at all it's been 2 months and Tanjiros been on the streets he's gotten used to it. But he was tired of it he knew on top of that Nezuko was probably mad at him and worried Tanjiro couldn't think anymore so he fell fast asleep on the cold cement.

While being sleep he didn't feel the warm air of a car pulled into the alley. A man with pinkish eyes got out and walked towards Tanjiro "So this is her brother" He said quietly he picked Tanjiro up and put him in the back seat "She was right Master Inosuke might take interest in this one" He chuckled backing the car out of the alleyway he drove all day and night till he got to his destination.

He picked Tanjiro up out of the car and opened the door the smell of drugs and blood and human filled Tanjiros sleeping nose but he didn't think to wake up the man removed Tanjiros clothes and covered his nose "Yes a bath will do you good" The man put Tanjiro in a bubble bath which startled Tanjiro awake

End of chapter 1

Sorry for not mentioning that this is modern and sorry for the bad grammar I'm really tired

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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