kutumbha 2

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Dhanraj make use of other and does good to some and silently take credits and rush if someone meddle him
He does the help secretly and doesn't allow to spread in socially. Yogiraj believes in power. Dhanraj does the complicated mind work if it won't work he will compromise. so that he test the person's patience and strength of mind against him.
He considers the age of a person and respect the seniority
Sathya joined a company by his struggle and left it after realising something about his life. He is now living by his will on his point of view.
Mother does good for her self witness. But the wrong thing she does is she has lots of expectations for her people's.
Dhanraj has made his life as he lives as he wish so he has no fear that someone will steal his struggle. Moreover he has committed to have good relationship with the people surrounding him that's all he want, then the human values are just a word for him.
Satya should respect that some people believe in standard of living. Vikram attitude is like that why satya should live on his wealth. Vikram question others existence and identity. In childhood Satya imitate the surrounding people and question them, sometimes it worked and sometimes it went brutally wrong.
Fact is that no doubt Vikram has made space to Satya to him to grow up.
It's damn sure that Saroja will never work for Sathya so it's very important now to think deeply about his future.
Likesh is provoking Sathya so that Sathya get arrogant and spell some bad words so that likesh can highlightingly missuse with relatives.

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