Chapter 15 (AlanJeff)

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We had a night where Alan and I were sorting through problems over the past 2 weeks. It was the weekend, so they both needed to relax and forget about the problems and worries caused by their work.

I went down to the kitchen thinking about a picnic. The weather outside was gorgeous. It was warm and fine, perfect for a picnic and a leisurely walk in the park.

I went to the kitchen to prepare some snacks for the picnic, but also breakfast.

Alan Pov

I woke up, involuntarily reaching out to where Jeff could be. But the place was the place. For a few seconds, I relived the feelings of the first morning together when Kenta had quickly kidnapped Jeff.

I calmed down knowing that all those troubles had ended a few months ago.

I also got out of bed heading towards the kitchen, where I hoped to find Jeff.

Jeff: Good morning, Lung! how did you sleep

Alan: Morning! I slept very well after last night.

I saw how he started to blush. We were together for some time, but I always saw how he was ashamed sometimes.

Alan: And... what are you doing here? Are you going to do anything today?

Jeff: I thought we'd go on a picnic together. We were never the two of us.

Alan: True. That's a really good idea! Let me help you.

Jeff pov

After we prepared everything, we dressed in something nice and comfortable and went to a secluded and quiet park.

With picnic blankets underarms and a carefully prepared basket of goodies, we head to a quiet, shady clearing under a tree. The place looks very romantic and intimate.

Once there, we spread the blankets out on the grass, carefully arranging them to create a cozy corner.

Then we sat on the blanket next to each other, looking up at the clear blue sky. We started feeding each other the delicious snacks prepared together, savoring each taste and exchanging smiles

Jeff: I'm glad we are here together.

Alan: I'm glad too to spend time together.

Jeff: (opening the picnic basket) I also prepared some sandwiches. What do you say? Do you want?

Alan: (while eating a sandwich) That looks great! Thanks for taking care of this.

Jeff: It's my pleasure.

Alan: You are the best boyfriend.

I felt overwhelmed with love and devotion. I knew that my approach to Alan had been the best decision of my life, but the fact that he confirmed it to me through his gestures and behavior every day.

Alan: You know you make me the happiest man on earth every day.

Jeff: (goes up to him and kisses him lightly) Me too. It's so quiet and beautiful here. It's like everything is perfect.

Alan: Yes, it is. And you know what's even more perfect? The fact that we are together, enjoying this wonderful moment.

Jeff (looking into his eyes) That's right. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now.

Alan: Me neither.

As the afternoon wears on, we enjoy our moments of quiet and privacy, surrounded by the beauty of nature and each other's presence.

In the evening we gathered our things and hand in hand we left for the car with the thought of another little surprise that I had prepared for Alan in the morning. I hope he likes it.😝

First of all, I hope you like this chapter and I apologize if it is too short.

Secondly, thank you for all the suggestions, nice and encouraging comments, and for every vote offered.

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