part 1

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Madison jade was a 16 year old girl who went to hartley high, her friends were amerie, harper, sasha and missy. Madison came from a very normal family but they were always working and never really showed interest in her

On the morning of the first day back at the hell hole Madison was getting ready quickly before her friends came to pick her up. After finishing her hair she heard a beep outside, she grabbed her bag and hopped in the car next to amerie.

"Where's harper" maddy questioned."no idea. Bitch wasn't outside her house,didn't answer her phone"sasha replied.I gave amerie a questioned look n she just shrugged.The drive to school was short since i lived the closest and was the last to be picked up. i was dreading to see everyone.

We arrived at school dusty was with spider and ant i could see amerie staring at dusty already and we've not even been here 5 minutes, i look at spider for not even 5 seconds and we already make eye contact,amerie had a massive crush on dusty for like what 5 years."are you actually gonna speak to him this year"maddy questioned."Nah just playing it cool".

Spider had decided to make a comment "missing your 5th witch"."fuck off spider" we all said at the same time.This is what i hadn't missed he never shuts up there's always something he has to say.
Walking past them dusty said "hi amerie,how were your holidays" i swear i could've seen her blush."yeah fine" she replied awkwardly."cool" .
This was too awkward for me as we were carrying on walking amerie bumped into darren and quinny i apologised for her since she's too busy ranting about how dusty spoke to her .Darren and quinny smiled at me.

Missy stopped us all in our tracks and said "who's that" i was trying to look for who she was talking about and then i realised there's a new boy he looks confused and lost."ooo,fresh blood" sasha replied.I saw amerie give him an awkward look.

A girl came running into us as she shouted "Oi! there's a fully gacked sex map in the old stair well".Already there was trouble 10 minutes into being in school and there's a sex map.I wasn't too concerned because i didn't hook up with anyone i kept to myself."It's called the incest map" the girl shouted.i questioned to myself incest? Everyone was racing to the old stairwell aswell as me.

I couldn't see over all the people i had to stand on the stairs,missy and sasha were complaining about there hookups until i saw my name with a golden line to it, i was trying to figure out where it lead to and it lead to spiders.I was trying to figure out what the golden line meant by looking on the side.It means "destined" i looked at spider and he was looking right at me i could feel myself going red, how could i be destined with spider hes like the biggest asshole in the school.

Dusty spoke up saying "look at that you and maddy are destined to be how adorable" spider replied "shut up dusty". There was loads of names on there being going towards different things but how could someone know all of this about everyone."Darren jerked you off,nice you into dudes now" i could hear spider say to ant."Who said i'm a dude" Darren replied.

It was getting too crowded and overwhelming i rushed past everyone to get to the bathroom.As i went into the stall i thought to myself amerie and harper used to always go into the old stairwell but what do they mean me and spider are destined. It was time for the assembly i made my way down the hall walking with quinny and darren on the way. I sat next to them both.

Harper finally shows up but she looks so different me and amerie havnt spoke to her since the festival.Her hair was shaved."Holy shit is that harps." Missy said i could hear spider behind me laughing at her i turned to the side and gave spider a dirty look and he just smiled at me,weirdo.Amerie got up and went to harper but she just ignored her, i wonder what went so wrong.

"sit down amerie"mrs woodsy said. She began to go on with the assembly."I am a woke woman.I enjoy sex as much as the next person." everyone made a disgusted face and started laughing."But reputation is everything and this map has jeopardized your reputations and the reputation of our school.And on the first day back we are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map" woodsy said.I wasn't too worried about me because i didn't have any hookups i was just destined with the worst boy in school.Everyone groaned at what mrs woodsy said. She carried on to say "And have strongly suggested that there are to be no more parties,shindigs or gathos." Everyone started shouting out but they would all still do it anyways regardless of what mrs woodsy was saying.

Assembly was over everyone stood up Amerie was still shouting harper but was still been ignored by her.I could see that amerie was been taken away with mrs woodsy. i decided to walk out with darren and quinny and leave missy and sasha to argue. Darren said "isn't that map crazy i wonder who did it." maddy went on to say "i think i have an idea of who it could be".

Walking towards the basketball court i saw amerie talking to harper i could tell this wasn't gonna end well with the way harper was looking at her.Suddenly harper pushed amerie and shouted at her before she punched her everyone started to surround them and shouted fight. Harper headbutted amerie to the ground , god it must be serious everyone was looking around concerned.Quinny sat beside amerie and amerie sneezed blood on her."oh my got that is disgusting."maddy said.

i was waiting outside the nurses office for amerie and she came out with a tampon in her nose."do i look stupid." amerie questioned maddy "sorry to say but yes you do." we walked past spider and ant and i heard ant say "my mums gonna kill me because of her." i could feel spider staring at me. We stopped infront of sasha "so you've picked her side" amerie said. i decided to say "cmon now sasha, harper and amerie do everything together you seriously think harper wasn't involved in this too." She just walked off. We heard woodsy speaking through the speaker "will the following students please need at classroom 5D Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha so, Missy Beckett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn, Darren Rivers, Quinn Gallagher-Jones, Douglas Piggot, Malakai Mitchell and Madison Jade"

I got up and walked to the class assuming it's about the sex map because the names she called out all have there name on the map we all got welcomed into the class. i sat with amerie and malakai which must be the new kid but hows he already on the map. i could hear spider behind us whispering map bitch god he is a dick. I turned around and looked at him in disgust he returned the look and flipped me off. Malakai was staring at amerie "what cunt" she said malakai responded "nice to meet you too" god she's not doing her reputation any good by greeting people like that.

Cash walks in spider and ant say "oi, eshay bah!" in sync cash just clips them off "how was stereo brah?" spider questions. "Hi, everyone i'm miss Josephine obah but you can call me jojo, kind of like yo-yo but j" god she's cringey. "i'm an english teacher so i know some of you but im sure your all wondering why you're here, well your names were on the map in the stairwell, yanno the one that's out of bounds." she continues to go on. Malakai puts his hand up and says "Um what map?" miss obah laughs "okay very funny look peeps we're not dumb we know a lot of you are sexually active but we're concerned this map demonstrates a real lack of respect for one another when it comes to sexual relationships."
God this was boring my name wasn't even on there because of sexual relationships.Mrs woodsy speaks up saying "a sexual literacy tutorial" Darren replies " were sluts?"
Spider and ant get up and start thrusting shouting sluts making everyone laugh including me which was a surprise. Everyone was laughing until she said "this will happen twice a week in your own time."

Malakai raised his hand again "Sorry, it's actually my first day.i don't think i'm supposed to be here." spider says before miss obah could reply to him "Legend! made it on the map before you even started" i turnded around and said "hey spider why don't you shut the fuck up" he put his hands up in surrender. Miss woodsy shouts "Allright everybody up!" . she asked us to start moving tables to the side so we all did. "Thankyou now i want you all to start walking around the room.Come on start walking you know how to walk, Now i want you to chose three other people to start shaking hands with. I shook hands with darren and quinny then spider stood infront of me and held his hand out i looked up to him making eye contact and shook his hand, he then winked at me and walked away.I was confused on what just happened but whatever. "spencer, you have genital crabs" mrs woodsy says "checks out" i reply "no no not in real life mrs woodsy says" i mutter under my breath "wouldn't surprise me" i could feel him staring at me. He was asked to raise his hand and he did and everyone who shook hands with him now had genital crabs she continues to go on. i really don't see the purpose of this at all. Amerie was the only one who didn't shake hands with anyone so she was safe. " Condoms" mrs woodsy shouts and then the bell rings thank lord i can't believe we have to do this twice a week. I could see dusty on his phone zooming into the map "Hey um did we hook up" dusty asks amerie she replied with and awkward "no" i stood beside her feeling sorry for the poor girl. "Yeah i didn't think so but it says here" he went on and amerie cut him off. "it isn't anything dusty". he carry's on saying "there's like a gold line between our names?" Spider stands up and says "it means destined like destined to be, think she wants you dusty" i speak up for amerie and say "well apparently we're destined too but who said i want you" he stops smiling and walks out with dusty.

This is my first time writing so if it isn't that good i apologise but ill try and improve

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