one - tulip

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            THE breeze was ticklish. It was cool and almost fragile. The harsh sun threatens to overpower it.

Even if it did, you wouldn't mind. There weren't many times in a person's lifethat they thanked the breeze for cooling them down. Or praised the sun for kissing their skin. Some people could never find the good in anything.

You were forever thankful for the gift of existence. So much beauty in one lifetime, so much color in one person's memories. It was the result of being at peace. Which was something you knew was important and had to be savored.

Guiding your feet to walk down the mossy path towards the river, you readjusted the grip on your laundry basket. Your Mothers silver and opal, heart shaped necklace glistening against your skin as it shimmered in the light. A small amount of linens were holding presence in the wicker hamper. You hummed a tune to yourself. You could never remember what song it was to, or where you first heard it, but it comforted you in a weird way. There was grace and elegance in your step, as if you were perpetually walking on a cloud no one could see.

Making it next to the river you sat down and dipped your feet into the running current. It really should be called a creek with how much it thinned out coming closer to your home. This is why the journey on laundry days always felt so intrepid. You had to walk nearly a mile and a half out from where you resided. But it truly was a beautiful day to just enjoy a walk.

Pulling the first piece of clothing out, you began your chore.


Sighing with a heart full of relief, you rang out the last piece of fabric that was dirty. Taking a moment to sit back and just breathe. The way the soft moss kissed your fingerprints, the cooling river gave you consistent energy, flowing in and out, in and out.

'This is what life was meant to be,' you thought to yourself.

Ever since you were young, you craved this feeling you could only find outside. It was something you could rely on, the sun would always be here to hug your cold body and the moon would always be here to kiss you goodnight. The grass and dirt are always here to keep you grounded. Taking to this skill at a young age, your parents guided you down this path. Teaching you how to grow the food you ate and cultivate the flowers you admired.

They both had passed nearly a decade ago. Being caught in the crossfire of this never ending war between light and dark. Out of everything this galaxy had to offer, war and the constant need of power hungry leaders to be in charge, had to be at the forefront? There were never any winners and it all was pointless in the end. This was a war that will never be won, both sides are just a little too devoted to their own ideologies to consider those of the people.

You missed them greatly, but you found different ways to grieve. A traumatic moment can either push you forward or keep you stuck in the past. You grabbed hold of those emotions you felt and used them to your benefit.

That was when your own journey began. One of peace and acceptance. Something you decided you needed to pursue yourself. Your family had left you with the only tools you would ever need in this world. For years in your youth they spoke to you about herbs and different types of horticulture. You were a true naturalist. Which was honestly all you felt you needed.

You have grown past the word 'hate'. It only held negativity, which was no use in any scenario. The Resistance and The First Order were a cause you felt sorry for. Neither of them ever being secure enough to have a home or a consistent idea to fight for. It was easier for you to forgive the universe for making this happen, rather than try to change something that could never be touched again.

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