Chapter 3

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Weeks later we were all getting ready to board the bus to Savannah.

I looked around to see our whole group was here. The twins were yelling about something, like they usually did, they're always arguing about something, but that's just how they were.

"Alright, everyone start filing onto the bus." Mr. Thomas ordered. "We're getting ready to leave for savannah in T-minus five."

We all filed onto the bus and we all took our seats.

I took a seat where no one was, I like to be alone, especially on buses.

A boy walked up to my seat about to open his mouth, but I already knew what he was gonna say.

I arranged my body to where my seat was on the other end of the seat and no one could sit there.

"Sorry, the seat is occupied by my feet." I said.

He rolled his eyes and kept walking.

Mr. Thomas started talking again.

"Okay everyone, I'm sure you already know, but I'm going to go over today's schedule one last time. It takes eight hours to get to Savannah. In about four hours, around noon, we'll stop to get something to eat." Mr. Thomas continued talking. "Once we get to savannah you and your groups will have two hours to eat, go on tours, look at monuments, explore the area, goof off, etc. After, we'll all meet back up at the bus and head to the motels. Everyone who has a phone has added Mr. Lee's, Mrs. Sarah's, and my number correct?"

Most of the bus said yes.

"Alright, then let's this show on the road!" Mr. Walter said cheerfully.

I had sat in front of Taylor and Tyler but they had been pretty quiet, so I guess I could get some sleep.

I balled up into a ball against the window and closed my eyes drifting to sleep.

✧༺Flashback Begins༻✧

*Eight Years ago*

I sat across from my brother playing a card game with him, it was late at night and we were supposed to be asleep but no we decided to stay up and play card games.

"Ha I have a king, I win!" I yelled.

"I trained you well." My brother chuckled.

A women's cry came from our parents room.

Fear ran through my brothers face, we were both still in shock unaware of what we should do.

"Help!" A loud cry that sounded like our mothers came from our parents room. I could hear my father yelling and gasping for help too.

"Stay here." My brother ordered as he ran out of the room.

I sat there for moments that felt like minutes, until I could not wait no more, the silence was killing me.

I ran out of the room into my parents room.

I stood there, fear running through my body with the want to move but the incapability to.

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