Chapter 18: An Apple Turnover Surprise

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Regina threw herself up to a sitting position on her bed. She just had the most unspeakable dream, which made regaining her composure and control over her breaths difficult. Though she wasn't sure if it was Emma's threats beginning to sink deeper into her mind, she went to check up on Henry. Peering in and seeing what she thought was him still sound asleep calmed Regina's nerves little by little. But then again, she wouldn't know until the next morning that neither was in that bedroom that night, but in the yellow bug that had helped put a start to this whole thing. As Emma drove on, Henry sat in the back seat. The rain began to pour down as he peered to see a suitcase in the trunk of the car. "Is that your stuff?"

Emma nodded."All I need."

Henry hadn't realized how literal he should have been taking Emma that 20 minutes before when he crawled into the backseat."Wait, we're leaving now?"

"Yup. I'm getting you away from this. And away from her."

"No! Stop the car."Henry said, "You can't leave Storybrooke. You have to break the curse."

"No! I don't. I need to help you."

"But you're the hero."Henry started on," You can't run. You have to help everybody."

"Henry, I know it's hard for you to see it, but I'm doing what's best for you. That is what you wanted when you and Hope brought me to Storybrooke."

Henry wasn't about to give up this time."But the curse. You, you are the only chance for everyone to get their happy endings back."Seeing no response from Emma and the sign of leaving town, he jerked the wheel hard left.

That jerk of the car wheel throwing her head forward a moment, along with the cry "Henry!" from her mother's lungs, was enough to bring Hope back to her conscious state. The car swerved off the road as Emma caught her breath, "What on earth do you think you were doing? You could've gotten us all killed!"

He didn't answer, though, he in fact, instead jumped into the front passenger seat."PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T MAKE US GO! WE CAN'T GO!"

That line and looking at what lay across the road, Hope now understood. Though half awake, she continued to listen to Henry's ordeal."Your place is not out there; it's here! Everything is here! Me, your parents, your family. Please, Emma, they need you; they need the savior. Your family needs you."

Regina, noticing the apples on her glorious apple tree beginning to rot, visited Mr. Gold at his shop the next morning. "Your majesty, to what do I owe the pleasure?"Mr. Gold asked.

"My apple tree is dying," Regina muttered, placing it on the shop's countertop. "Why?"

"Perhaps, it's your fertilizer."

"You think this is funny?"Regina asked."Well, I'll tell you what I think. I think it's a sign of the curse weakening because of Emma. But do you care? No. You're content just to sit back and do; whatever it is you're doing while all my hard work burns."

"That's not it. Come on! Might as well; get everything off your chest."

"I don't believe I know quite what you are talking about," Regina responded.

"Henry, of course. Miss Swan wants him, she wants them real bad."

"And she'll have them over my cold dead body," Regina muttered.

"The curse was meant to take Snow White and Prince Charming's happiness. Perhaps; you giving up Henry is just a price to keep the curse unbroken."

"I think I'd rather just get rid of her," Regina added.

"Well, well. You're going to have to be quite creative. We both know the repercussions of killing Miss Swan. The curse.."

"Would be broken."Regina finished the remark. "That's because you designed it that way. So undo it."

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