02 ; vanilla

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I rose my head, my limbs felt so detached to the rest of my body. My head throbbed and for some reason, there was surely an underlying sense of energy that was locked away from me by the chains that cuffed my wrists, the ropes tightly knotted around my ankles, the roughly withered wooden chair I was bound to.

My eyes... were they even there? Did someone gouge out my eyeballs and threw them away to the deepest pits so no human could find them back to its rightful master? All I could see, was nothing. Pitch black intruded my sight.

I groaned as I felt the chains and ropes that restricted my movement tighten. It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurts It hurt-


Waterfalls of tears rushed down the eyes I thought I had lost. That was the only time I would feel with my eyes, I figured. So I tried to command my eyes to see colour. Isn't that the purpose of eyeballs? For us to see the colours that painted this world?

I could still only see a longing black.

My useless eyes shut as my ears were rudely invaded by the deafening yet hollow thrum of... noise. All noise. It felt so nothing, yet it was something; noise. It was such an insignificant, trivial thing, yet I felt my ears tearing apart by the consistency of thrums.

When did noise become so painful to hear?

Clatter! Badum! Boom! Kachow! Bang! Whoosh- Fuck it all! It's all noise! Noises I didn't give permission to hear!

I then left my head hanging down, my clothes were ragged and ripped to shreds. I felt practically nude, my mouth ached to gag.

I scold myself to hold it in. My hands trace down the sleeves I couldn't see, it was still pitch black.

Although, then and there, I saw a graceful ray of light dimming down to my restricted figure. And, thank god, I felt my eyes again as they widen by the abrupt sight.

My head was quick to go upright. It was lightly dimmed, but I could see a faint blur of the outside, my escape.

I gasped. Everyone... they're there. My parents. My dear friends.. they're there!

A sudden wave of strength and hope overcame my soul. The chains shattered, the ropes shred to tiny pieces. The exit was beyond me. I could see the light welcoming me in already, it was so in my reach.

Please, legs, obey me and run!

So I did run. I ran and ran as fast as my wobbly, tormented feet could handle, maybe even more than they could.

The light is so close.

My arms extended to feel the whiff of warmth my whole body desperately wanted. I NEEDED to feel the light.

My small grin was growing as my feet thudded closer to the alluring light.

But, in a flap of a wing, the light flickered off.
My parents... no, they've gone along with the light and warmth. It was back to pitch darkness.


I screamed from the darkest wrenches of my being, I cried until there was no tears to cry left.

My heart was painfully beating in my chest. I don't want it to beat anymore.

"Watch where you're going next time," I pat off the dust that accumulated in my uniform and kneeled to offer a hand, a polite gesture

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"Watch where you're going next time," I pat off the dust that accumulated in my uniform and kneeled to offer a hand, a polite gesture. Oddly, the new girl's eyes quizzically scanned my face. I cringed, this girl sure is creepy.

She must've noticed my discomfort, her face turned a fierce scarlet from embarrassment. "Sorry for bumping into you," she bit her lip while looking down at her feet.

"Quite alright." The girl wore a pair of black flats adorned with a small bow, a simple skirt that reached her knees and the uniform blouse. Why are the female's uniforms way better than the male's? I sighed, glancing down at my button-up white shirt and plain black cargo pants. The people in charge of designing these should've added some sort effort, because the difference in appearance was agitating.

"I better get going," I say, and rushed to help out with a customer, leaving the new girl standing there, clueless as can be. I felt bad, but there were tons of co-workers that could help her, I noted, looking back at the countless workers that crowded around the girl to teach her the way around here.

"Hey, so what's your name?" The chattering sounds of the crowd started to fade as I made my way to the isle, and started to guide the customer.

Oh, right. I didn't get her name. I'll ask later.

 I'll ask later

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alert, our dear vanilla and camilla first meeting! haha camilla did a very interesting first impression. oh well, see you next time readers💗‼️

also rlly appreciates votes and comments, wanna make this book a fun time for you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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