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/ It's midnight time and a girl is crying her heart out. She looked outside at moon just to find out its new moon . /

LUNA:- why I always cry at this time ? When there is no moon in the sky ??

Luna:- why I always feel suffocated at new moon .?

LUNA:- even world give me the reason to cry in this day .

LUNA:- I know I ain't fairy tale to have tangled up reasons but at least give me reasons why I am having this type of life ???

LUNA:- sorry this isn't life at all . You call it life ????

/ She looked at starry night and was  talking to stars like a psycho. /

LUNA:- I lost my parents when I  born. I heard a lot of people calling  me bad witch ! I ain't witch ! I'm a fucking human. 

LUNA:- I was so hurt when I found out that I am not their real child I was adopted. It hurts not to live around your parents but it hurts more that someone is pampering you even tho you not related tothem through blood. That's so sweet of them that they are showing their love and humanity .

LUNA:- I wanna do something for them . But I feel helpless.  Sometime I think I wanna be successful to give them all of the things  they want and all of things they never had. 

LUNA:- are you listening  to me ?????  Give me answer !!!!! I talk to you everynight but you never response. 

/ Out of blue , a sky spoke in language of thunderstorm.  /

LUNA:- whenever I ask you for response you just only sneez .

/ A/n :- duffer it is a answer you dumbo. /

LUNA:- if you don't wanna give me any answer just say it . Don't disrespect me  by sneezing. 

/ A sudden wind blowing her hair . And after some seconds it started to rain . She took out her hand out of window . The thing happened as always she felt sting current going through her hand by just a one touch of rain drop.  She felt strong electric shock. By that shock she pulled  her hand inside as soon as possible.  /

LUNA:- < it happens everytime >

LUNA:- you know that I love midnight rain but why can't i enjoy it ?????

LUNA:- I'm getting electric shock everytime . But  nothing happens in daytime raining ! I'm puzzled up. 

/ She forgot her pain for a second. When she felt someone holding her tiny waist. The person held her in his arms like a baby. And made her sit on bed . He sat beside her while looking into her eyes . She looked at him with extreme surprise.  She never saw him . She backed away thinking he is a some thief.  /

LUNA:- who are you?

??? :- you don't remember me ??

LUNA:-no .! Who are you ? And what are you doing here ?

???:- < she said you will remember me as soon as she sees me . But it's not working . >

LUNA:- what are you thinking . ? Tell me who are you or I'm gonna shout !

???:- don't do that .

LUNA:- don't waste my time. 

???:- I will tell you when time come. 

LUNA:- okay so for now go then and come when the time will come. 

/ ??? Laughed at her cuteness.  /

???:- I will go but remember that i miss you .

LUNA :-  who are you and first leave my hand. 

/ he left her hands /

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