smutty wutty mutty

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The paper cut the lil orange man as he thrusts his alpha male sigma pp into the paper butterfly.

Donald Trump's smexy wolf tail and ears vibrate crazy as he stares into the butterfly's non existent orbs.

"I love you so much my baby omega girl❤" Trumpie wumpie says as he [BEEEEP] her harder.

Donaldo trumpo had such a weird ass paper cut kink that the paper of the butterfly becomes so soggy that he gets annoyed.

"CUT ME AGAIN YOU BISH!!" He screams in his loud twinky alpha voice.

"Grrrr" He growls. The paper butterfly, doesn't even move, cuz she's paper, but it's somehow still alive but that brings the question how she consented.

Donald Trump suddenly cums inside her very petite hole. She finally makes one sound, and it just sounded like paper being crumbled.

Donald pulls out and looks at her with his orby orb eyes. "Don't tell anyone about this.. And if you're pregnant.. Don't call me you disgusting omega.."

He leaves her soggy and sensitive, she was literally just paper.

Suddenly, her husbando comes in. He starts speaking in paper and moving in paper (I don't even know).

She says: "scrumble scrumble scrumble.."
Her husband responds with: "Scrumble?!"

Her and her husbando lives then happily ever after, till they realize she is prego.

But, husbando has never had cunolingos with her, how could this happen?!

A second later she gives birth to two orange looking weird ass freaky paper butterflies.

Upon seeing his new children, he forgives his wife.

He kisses her, they have sex, and it's awesome sauce.

DONALD TRUMP x MY BESTIE'S BUTTERFLYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin