"The talk"with jordan

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Nidal:Jordan can we talk for one minute?
Jordan:Yeah sure, what is it?
Nidal:You know that me and Salish are togedother for like 2 weeks now
Jordan:Yess and?....
Nidal:So I was wondering that we are and my family going to Texas next week.And maybe Salish could come with us?
Jordan:I don't know Nidal.For how long?
Nidal:For 3 weeks but we can come to California whenever she wants
Jordan:I don't know Nidal...
Nidal:Jordan please She is not a little girl anymore She is 15 now
Jordan:Okay fine...
Jordan:BUT there are some rules for this trip.
Jordan:Go back to Salish and I tell the rules.
(They went back to Salish)
Salish: So?What Did he Said?
Nidal:But he said there are some rules and when I got back to you he is telling them.
Salish:Yeah sure "Rules"
Jordan:So guys I agree IF you guys agree this rules:First of all:You can't sleep togedother
Salish:Yeah why?
Jordan:Becuse I don't want you guys to do some things that you shouldn't do at this age.
Salish:Dad are you kidding me?🙄
Nidal:Jordan ewwww
Jordan:Okay I just wanted to make sure but still no.
Jordan:You guys have to call me everyday.
Salish & Nidal:Okay sure.
Salish:That's all?
(After that Jordan and Sandy went home And Salish and Nidal alone They walked holding hands in the sunset together )
They went home

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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