(Need advice)

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My grandma has stage four breast cancer so she's going to die. Everyone in the family knows this. But this woman is in freaking Aruba right now. My grandma is living her best life and the Chemo is still working, so she's going out and doing all this fun stuff.

Me and my mother aren't treating her like she's dying though. We're acting as if everything is the same as it was before and my aunts don't find that appropriate. They're constantly using the excuse she's dying to excuse the fact she did some shitty thing.

Like, is it so wrong that me and my mom want to continue living how it was before considering the fact my grandma doesn't need anyone right by her side at the moment?

Like, my grandma inserts herself into everything. I'm going to Colorado to live with my aunts for a month over the summer and my grandma was just, "I'll come spend a few weeks there too!" RIGHT AFTER I told my aunt Erica how excited I was to spend the month with her and aunt Mandy. Alone.

My mom and me have been distancing ourselves from my grandma, which yes, might sound pretty crappy to some. But we have reason. My grandma constantly talks about her bowel movements, she constantly talks about her cancer, how her feet hurt, how her days have been filled with nothing. Like I'm sorry you're dealing with that, but I can't just cater to you like you're dying when you're living your life like you're not.

She never asks me or my mom how we're doing, she comes ten minutes before Sunday dinner and leaves five minutes after. She just sits on her phone the whole time. We've tried driving conversation with her but it ALWAYS ends with her cancer.

Are me and my mom the bad guys for not treating my grandma like she's gonna die?

If I need to clarify anything just ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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