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It's a normal Sunday morning.

The common room, which is usually bustling with students, is nearly vacant, apart from a handful of morning birds.

Judging by their expressions, they were savoring the calm while it lasted, since a pack of boys were on their way to stir up trouble.

Christian Walker felt a sense of dread as he woke up. He has a gut feeling that something is going to happen today.

He would have passed it off like anyone else would, but his instinct always appears to be on point, a blessing that he is both grateful for and scared of, so he chose to be extra cautious today.

He went from his room to the common area, where he saw his best friends, Royce McLaggen and Frank Longbottom, waiting there along with Alice Fortescue, Frank's girlfriend, and Mary MacDonald.

"Hey guys," he said as he walked towards them.

"Oh Finally"! Alice cried. "Took you long enough"!

"I thought it was us girls who took more time to get ready." She said, while pointing towards her and Mary.

"Oh, c'mon, Allie, don't be such a drama queen," he said. "You know, we lads need to look attractive as well. Otherwise, how do we get girls to fall for our charms?" Chris said, his eyes briefly flickering towards Mary. He winked at her, making her blush as she met his gaze.

Alice was about to retort when Frank cut her off, warning that if they keep fighting, they'll miss breakfast.

That stopped them from going into another fight, and together they left to have their breakfast. They were about to enter the great hall when they heard a familiar screech from the beloved Head Girl, Lily Evans.

"JAMES POTTER!!!! If you once again dare to transfigure my quill into that stupid singing creature of yours, then I'm going to hex you to the next oblivion."

He had seen a great deal of wooing, but Potter's way with Evans was...boisterous.'

It's amazing how she hasn't "Avada-ed" him yet, given all of his dramatic declarations of proposals, love poems, and continuous bothersome acts. If it were his Ana, she would have already disposed his annoying arse into some dark, haunted alley.

He watched as the commotion carried out outside the door, and then an angry, red-faced Evans, followed by an amused McKinnon, and Davis came to join Allie and Mary. Sometimes later, Potter, Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew, aka the Marauders, also joined them at the table.

He looked around and thought about how fortunate he was to have met these people. As a transfer student, he struggled to find himself inside the castle, but these people made it easy for him.

It was a sudden decision to change schools, but one he would make again if given the chance. It helped Ana, and he was able to meet some exceptional human beings, especially Mary.

While Christian was replaying his life decisions, things were about to change in Hogwarts.

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