Chapter 1

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It was already past six when I came home after dropping Sky to the airport. The sun had set, the moon casting a dark shadow over the porch of my mom's two story house. The porch light isn't on yet which can only mean that she isn't home. 

I bend down and pry the key from under the doormat to unlock the house and enter into the foyer only to be greeted by deafening silence. With nothing else to do, I head to the kitchen and start the prep for dinner. I am not really in the mood to do something elaborate since it will probably be just me at the table today, so I settle for making a spaghetti. The whole time I'm in the kitchen, cooking, I blast the radio on full volume without a care about the noise disturbing the neighbors. My dad had soundproofed the entire house when I was seven and wanted to play steel drums. And let's be honest, I wasn't any good at it.

I am not surprised by the fact that none of my "friends" call me this evening like they do everyday because they are all currently on a flight to their designated destinations. Every. Single. One. 

This is the first summer in the past seventeen years that I am not going somewhere to travel. And no one is to blame for it but me. Dad had insisted on buying me a ticket to New York ad stay with him for a few weeks along with visiting the touristy places but I had refused profusely. I couldn't leave mom in the state that she was in. It didn't sit right with me. I knew that if I left she would have no one to take care of her or feed her when she came home drunk off her ass. It was my job, has been for the past five months.

It was also one of the reasons why none of my friends had even offered to let me join them on their trips. I would've said no, but still. Taking care of my mother has taken a toll on my usual...charm.  I was always tired, never got any sleep and barely paid attention to the stuff going around in school. 

As the queen bee and head cheerleader of Wavecrest High, I was expected to be on top of everything and nothing which clearly wasn't the case these last months. This lack of attention had threatened not only my power but my status as well. But, I handled it like I handle everything. 

Now that I think about it, school's over and my status doesn't really matter in the great scheme of things. The only upside of still remaining the queen bee by graduation was the fact that I got to choose my successor. And I would like to think I made the right choice. 

My dinner is ready by seven so I grab my iPad from the counter and head upstairs to my bedroom to eat in bed while watching Netflix.

My dinner is ready by seven so I grab my iPad from the counter and head upstairs to my bedroom to eat in bed while watching Netflix

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I must have fallen asleep because when I come about, I hear soft patters of the rain outside. FINALLY. I have been waiting for this for weeks.

I love the rain. I love how green everything looks after it. I love the smell of the mud. I love the sky and the amazing sky pics I am able to get. Trust me when I say that at least forty percent of my gallery is just pictures of the clouds on a rainy day.

Thinking this, I quickly get up from the bed, go to my window and push it open to smell the air. Delicious.

Grabbing my phone, I sit on the reading nook by the window and click a picture of myself leaning out a little with my eyes closed. My blond hair swaying smoothly from the wind. Within a few minutes, I post the picture on my social media page with the caption, "TheRain&Me: A Love Story"

I check the time and it is close to midnight already. I know my mom still isn't home since she would have woken me if she had arrived. Considering what I should do now, I decide to go outside to sit by the porch and enjoy the rain. 

By the time I get out of the house, the drops have picked up speed and are now raging the fuck down. I lock the door and sit down on the swing in the lawn, getting soaked by the rain. 

For the next twenty or so minutes, I go through all the DMs and comments I have gotten on my account. It is not till I hear someone getting out of a car nearby that I divert my attention from the phone and glance around. 

Someone is walking towards the house across the street with a bag above their head to protect them from the rain. It's a guy. I know because his bag isn't really doing much to stop him from getting wet and the white shirt he's wearing, is now see through and clinging to every muscle of his chest. And there are loads of those on him. I can even see the outline of his abs. Hot abs. So hot. 

I am lusting over a strangers abs. And I am lusting hard.

He turns his head a little to the side and I can see that he's wearing glasses. Probably black rimmed but I don't know for sure because it is a little hard to see the color in the dark. I can't even make out his face properly. But even if I could I wouldn't know who he was as someone had just moved in to that house last week. 

New Guy reaches into his pocket, pulls out the keys and unlocks the door but before stepping inside, he looks back and our eyes meet for the briefest moment. But that moment is all I need to know who those eyes belong to. Eyes I recognize all too well since they have glared at me way too many times to count. 

Well, FUCK

Was I just lusting over James Fucking Anderson?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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