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New Orleans, 1993, 8:15 pm

Astraea was at a party with her best friend, Juniper. Despite being surrounded by those who cared for her, she couldn't shake off an uneasy feeling that something was amiss. It gnawed at her, a subtle yet undeniable sensation, gripping her guts, pricking her skin, and weighing heavy on her heart. Clearly, something was not right.

"Juniper, I think I have to go home," Astraea said, with a unsettled look on her face.

"Why?" Juniper asked.

"I have a feeling something is wrong at my home," Astraea replied. She quickly left the house and ran straight to her home, luckily located only 3 blocks away from the party.

As she made it to her home, she slowly opened the door, trembling with fear. Her gut feeling became stronger as she entered the dark house, the uneasiness growing by the second.

"Hello!? Mom? Dad? I'm home," she called out with a shaky voice, the cold night air hanging heavy. The home smelled like dead roses, adding to her unease. She started moving towards her parents' bedroom, the tension in the air palpable.

Upon reaching the door, she opened it slowly to find a pool of blood on the floor. "Mom? Dad?" she called out, rushing to their side. Her mom looked pale with two marks on her neck, and her dad looked even worse, with larger bite marks and a cold, pale complexion.

Overwhelmed with emotion, she cried out to her parents, hoping for a response but finding none. Determination filled her as she vowed to find the vampire responsible and seek justice for her parents, no matter the cost.

After her parents' deaths, Astraea's life changed. She cried and suffered every day, longing for their presence. She made a solemn promise to hunt down the vampire who took her parents away, seeking closure and justice in their memory.

Blood moon: The Chronicles of AstraeaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin