Between The Lines

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Between The Lines

hey what u doing for the test 

i'll start with academic queries to seem less like a pest 

idk you wanna revise with me tomorrow? 

any excuse to see you again, to extend these meets 

with books i'll let you borrow

yh sure. pick u up at eight?

i'll nonchalantly slip this in so you can see my new ride - 

second hand, sure, but carpooling will seal our fate 

cool! snacks? 

the exclamation is usually too much but it's an added 

touch to show how little i care but u wont know i've got your favourites - 

haribos, finger sandwiches - all ready in packs.

obvs!! Nice. See ya in a feww 

for two years, i've loved you 

i'll let the silence sit for now but one day i'll tell you

bildungsromanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang