Diary of A Mad Black Woman Pt 2

Start from the beginning

"Kasey, I'm not a child. I can be in this fuck ass city by myself. I want you to go-"

"Babe, I'm not going to go home and leave you out here alone. It wouldn't sit right-"

"I literally don't care-"

"I need you care-"



"Oh my God!" I shouted, tossing my arms in the air. That stopped our back and forth.

"Kasey, you're being annoying right now. I want you to go home because I don't need nor want you here. Don't you have to go to work or something? Go take a nap. Go workout. Talk to your family. Do something that doesn't require you to be here. Something!" I raised my voice.

"Xena, you're being awfully rude for no reason when I'm here to be helpful. You know how I am. I cannot have you out here alone standing on the corner in a place that you're not familiar with. That's dangerous and-"

"Just because you're afraid to be in a black space does not mean that I am. I came here because your stupid fucking mayor friend is being an asshole-"

"He isn't my friend and I don't know what's going on with your plan babe. If I get my dad to help-"

"Fuck your dad, Kasey!" I cut him off. "You and him set me up to look stupid knowing damn well Grant wasn't going to do shit to help."

"I didn't know anything, Xena."

"Oh, miss me that." I waved him off. This conversation wasn't going anywhere and I was done having it. I also seen Donna coming and I needed to direct my frustration towards her.

I looked back at Kasey noticing his face had reddened. It was either from embarrassment, irritation, or sadness. Which ever emotion it was, I wasn't about to deal with it. He could wait.

"Go home." I repeated once more to him. I didn't wait for him to say anything back since I had turned to Donna. She already had an attitude which matched mine.

"Look who's back." She sassed, sizing me up and down. "And you don't look like a-"

"Streetwalker." I finished for her. "Or a prostitute in other words." After hearing it yesterday, I had to look it up in case she said it again. The disrespect was nasty.

"You did your research. Good for you." She remarked.

It took all of me to not smack this woman across the face. She was about to receive the built up frustration at its maximum level. Her eyes came off me and went to Kasey. He was still here as if I didn't tell him to go. He was hardheaded as fuck and it was annoying.

"And you brought your husband. Donna." She introduced herself.


"He was just leaving." I interrupted, smacking his hand that he'd put out. I side-eye him. This was my last warning before I got the most nastiest attitude. He didn't want to deal with that fury.

"Mhm, why are you back? Oh lemme guess. You're here to repeat your intentions on helping out?" Donna retorted, tilting her head to the side.

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