ch1 ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ wake up

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third person pov:
The sun's rays spilled into the living room through the curtains that were hanging open. They danced across the wooden floors in little speckles of light that seemed to illuminate the entire room. Amber let out a sigh as she stared out into nothing, her mind blank and quiet. She was in a daze, just laying on the couch and soaking in the sunlight.

Her mind was empty of everything except the warmth that was making her tired. She could feel the heat seeping through her clothing, causing her shirt to stick to her skin and almost make her break out in a sweat. With each breath she took, she could feel the perspiration of her body just waiting to spill out.

She was so caught in her own thoughts that she hadn't realized someone had entered the room until she heard a familiar voice say her name. Her eyes flew open, focusing on where the voice came from as she quickly sat up on the couch. "Hm?" She replied, still in a daze.

A pair of y/c eyes stared back at her with a grin, that stretched from ear to ear. "Are you okay?" Her girlfriend asked her, a slight look of concern in her eyes. She was a bit worried about the girl for some reason, but she wasn't sure why.
"You looked so... tired. Are you feeling alright?" Amber's girlfriend took a seat next to her.
Amber shrugged, shaking her head a little bit as she let out another yawn. "Yeah... I'm fine..." She was tired, that was for sure. "just tired , ..few late nights" amber mumbles . Most of the time after school she would feel drained, like she couldn't make it through the rest of the day without a nap. "It's been a long day..." She mumbled, glancing over at her girlfriend who was staring at her curiously.

"Okay... well, you can rest... I don't mind..." i
smiled. Amber took this as a que to lay back down on her girlfriend's lap.
She did just that, laying down on the girl's legs and letting out another long yawn. It felt so good to be held, being surrounded by a warm body while basking in the sun was making her so sleepy. Her eyelids started to grow heavier as she started to nod off, she knew her girlfriend was staring at her but she was too exhausted to care.
A kiss was placed between her eyebrows, then the lips moved down to brush against her forehead.

"I love you...." Amber's girlfriend breathed softly next to her ear, letting her know the girl was paying close attention to her.
Amber let out another yawn, her sleepiness only growing and making her more tired. Her eyelids seemed too heavy to keep open any longer, but she couldn't resist opening her eyes after hearing her girlfriend speak. "M-hm....." She gave a small nod, not wanting to say anything but also trying to let her girlfriend know that she heard her.

She stayed laying down for a few seconds, just soaking up the rest of the sunlight that was left in the house. She was so warm, her body so comfortable and her mind so completely void of thought.
It wasn't until she felt her girlfriend's arms pull her forward, pulling her into her chest. Amber let out yet another yawn, her exhaustion only growing as her girlfriend's embrace grew warmer. The girl was pressing her body against hers, making her feel so safe. after a while amber drifted off into a sleep.

y/n's pov:

The room was dark, i attempted to keep it that way by shutting the curtains and everything .
amber was resting soundly in her bed, her back facing me as I stared down at her. Her breaths were slow and deep, showing that she was sleeping quite peacefully.
I couldn't take my eyes off her, watching her while she slept. It was almost like I was making sure she was actually alive in that moment, even though I knew she was. she just means everything to me.

There was something so calming and peaceful about watching someone like that. I could sit here and watch her for hours, and not get bored. I wanted to make sure I watched every moment, because it was beautiful.

This was my girl, the one I watched over. And I wasn't going to let anything happen to her.
I watched over her like this for a while, the only thing distracting me being her soft breaths. It was almost like music, I could fall asleep to this, which was ironic after everything that had happened earlier. It seemed like the girl had just fallen asleep, since a minute had passed and she hadn't moved so far.

I had been so worried about her sleep patterns, about this lack of sleep that was going to take her soon. my thoughts got interupted as my alarm went off letting me know i had to wake amber for school. this is the part i dread. i get up and stretch before going back.

ambers pov:

She felt a slight weight on the bed as someone climbed onto it, and just as she was starting to get her eyes focused on what was going on, warm lips pressed against hers. i was suddenly awakened by the surprise, and i sat up a little bit, still adjusting to being awake once again. i felt the warmth of her girlfriend's body on and against mine, and it only took a moment before she had realized what was going on.

Amber wasn't sure how long she had been asleep, it felt like a lot longer than normal. She could feel her girlfriend's fingers on her face as she started to move her lips away. As soon as they separated, she felt hands slip around her waist, pressing her back down onto the bed.

Her girlfriend's lips once again found her, now starting to move down to her neck and down her body. Amber couldn't tell where exactly her girlfriend's lips would stop at this point, but it didn't matter. She was getting woken up slowly but surely, and it felt good.
The kisses were soft at first, but they slowly gained more force with time. Amber felt a shiver run up her body as she felt lips down her neck, and then a soft nibble on her collarbone. The warmth of her girlfriend's body against her own was almost overwhelming, sending waves of happiness through her entire body. The sensations made her feel tingly, which gave way to a small moan that left her mouth.

Her girlfriend's body pushed even closer as her hands were sliding up her body. Amber was letting herself be swept away in this and it was so good. Nothing else mattered right now but these lips and the hands sliding up over her smooth skin. She felt so warm and so tingly, she felt like she was going to burst into a puddle of liquid at any moment.
Her girlfriend's kisses were starting to increase, getting more fierce and more passionate with each kiss. you  was just teasing the girl now, not letting her get too much pleasure all at once. Amber's own hands were starting to slide upwards, finding the skin of her lover as well. Their tongues were starting to meet, their lips sliding over and through each other.

Amber's breath quickened and she started to press herself even more into her girlfriend's chest. Her own hands were starting to slide down, making a quick stop at her waist before slowly sliding all the way up. Amber's fingers were now starting to move through her hair, pulling her deeper with every move. The kisses on her neck were increasing in strength, and Amber started to wonder where all of this was going to end. Her girlfriend was starting to make small noises in the back of her throat, hints of pleasure as her mouth moved down Amber's body, now focusing completely on her chest. Amber felt a shiver run up her body, feeling the warm breath of her girlfriend against the skin of her chest. Her hand came up to pull her lover's face into her body.

we both breathed out a sigh feeling content , and smiled at eachother. "come on get up and ready , we gotta go meet the others before school" y/n states. she's always been like this, consistent , on time and very smart , she was student president after all. what a contrast we are , her , the smartest goody two shoes and me the bad influence , i like it like that though and wouldn't change it for the world .

i give her a quick peck before stretching and getting up to get ready .

A/N: wassup sluts, this is my first book so go easy on me hoe😓 anyways HELLO

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