"C/n!" Y/n gasped, reaching out to her flailing cousin. "We leave to begin the extraction. I can not possess this form for long." The Warrior growled to Harumi, making her nod quickly. The Warrior dragged a screaming C/n to the door, ignoring her hits and kicks.


The Warrior stopped, a metal pole smashing against his head. In his moment of pause, C/n managed to break free and she scrambled behind Y/n, who was using the lamp pole as a weapon. "Take care of the pest." The Warrior grumbled to Harumi. Harumi sighed and looked at Y/n. C/n was grabbing the other lamp pole in the room, ready to swing. Harumi dashed forwards and grabbed Y/n's pole, the two girls grabbing it as it was being held horizontally.

How is she still holding on?! Harumi thought in amazement as she pulled harshly, Y/n grunting as she was yanked forwards, still gripping the pole stubbornly, her knuckles turning white. C/n shouted as she swung the lamp at the Warrior's face, dislodging some of the glowing stones that made him up. Y/n lifted her foot and buried it into Harumi's stomach, kicking her away with all her strength. Harumi gasped as Y/n wasted no time, the other girl lifting the metal pole and swinging it down to collide with Harumi's side. Y/n hit Harumi again and again until C/n's squawk made her immediately turn to help.

The Warrior lifted C/n with ease, a hand wrapped around her wrist, the girl dangling in the air. Y/n swung the pole down, the pole bending and snapping, the hit weakening the Warrior's arm. C/n was dropped, and she scrambled back, only for the foot to be grabbed again. Y/n panted heavily, C/n's pole hand. "Let. Her. Go."

Cold metal on Y/n's neck made her tense up. Harumi brushed her white hair out of her sweaty face, blood being smeared across her cheek. "Just let us take her, and you'll live." Y/n's mind raced, and she made eye contact with C/n. Tears filled C/n's eyes and she shook her head, trembling as she was held in a headlock by the Warrior. "Leave." She mouthed. "I'm not leaving." Y/n slightly shook her head, careful of the knife being held against her neck. The blade drew a bit of blood, Y/n hissing as the cut stung. "Take me! Just- Just let Y/n go." C/n choked out. "C/n don't you fucking dare." Y/n seethed, tears filling her own eyes.

"You have a deal." Harumi nodded once, slowly going around Y/n, still holding the knife in her direction. Y/n stayed still, trying to come up with a plan. "Let us go, my Lord. We shall begin the extractment immediately once we return." Harumi lowered her knife to nod at the Warrior. "Good. I feel this form weakening." The Warrior began to walk away, C/n in tow, the girl instinctually struggling, but not enough to break free.

"Get rid of her." The Warrior ordered, making C/n's eyes widened. "You said we had a deal!" "Harumi made the deal, not me." The Warrior snarled. Harumi turned to Y/n with a pained look, holding the knife tightly. "I'm so sorry." She approached Y/n, holding the knife in a better angle.

"No!" C/n screamed, kicking her legs. "Y/n, run!" Y/n glared at Harumi with such hate, it made her falter for a second. "I'm not going anywhere." She hissed, standing her ground. "You kill me, you'll never get what you want from me." Harumi paused. "What do you mean?" "C/n isn't the Soulmate, I am." Y/n raised her head. The Warrior turned to Y/n, and stared at her. "Then I shall kill this one and take you."

"You kill her and I'll grab that knife and plunge it into my neck." A laugh bubbled out of Y/n's lips, a maniacal look in her eyes . "You let my cousin go, let her live, and I'll go with you." Y/n trembled in rage, her breathing quick. "I can snap her neck in an instant and drag you away." The Warrior tilted his head, placing a clawed hand on C/n's neck.

A sob came out of C/n, and she grabbed his wrist with both hands. "Y/n, don't-!" His hand tightened around her neck, making her choke. Y/n curled her hands into fists, her heart racing as she stared at the Warrior and C/n. "Let her go." "My King, the Child is not worth it. Let us take the Soulmate and leave!" Harumi urged. "Your heart has grown soft, Harumi." The Warrior snarled. "You have the blood of hundreds on your hands, yet you hesitate with this one? Heed my warning. It is either their lives, or yours."

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