Why did you have to be skibidi to others too? [ChaCha, BenCha (?)]

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Charles hated Mondays, especially this certain Monday. He was wearing a stupid blue plastic bag stuck onto his face, a minute with it and it would have made him suffocate. Not if he poked two holes for his nostrils to breathe in, which he did.

He loved annoying others, but today it was the other way around.

He was sitting on a chair, messing with his other buddy Matthew. They were poking each other, laughing, getting scolded by the teacher, anything that seemed fun for such a Monday. At first, he thought he would be alright today; that he would encounter no problems. He was wrong.

His eyes fell upon his dearest friend Chambers on the opposite side of the room. The familiarity of his friend's face should have been comforting. After all, he was his best friend, yet this time was different. but this particular sight threw a dagger into his thumping heart.

He saw Chambers with a different man.

Chambers was laughing while holding onto this boy with eyes gleaming brightly. It's so stupid. Charles is also talking to a different person. He shouldn't be feeling whatever was making his heart ache so badly. His face fell into disappointment, turning away from this gross sight.

He feels like a hypocrite, hanging out with someone else but getting upset if Chambers does it too. His cloudy thoughts push him away from Matthew as well.

It was Benedict that Chambers was with, one of his friends, so why did he feel so horrible seeing them alone? 

His brain tells him it's just a friend-on-friend thing, but his heart tells him otherwise.

"Huy, Charles," Matthew gave him a nudge. "Sige, babatukan kita ng racket ko gago ka." He retorted. "Shut your bitchass mouth," Charles said defensively. "I was busy thinking about something."  He muttered, turning his eyes away and looking at the blackboard.

"Ano na naman yan?" Matthew grumbled, eyes following Charles' until he met with Chambers' eyes. "Talaga?" Asked Matthew. "Hindi..." He replied as he crossed his arms anxiously.

"I know you, Charles. Kabadminton buddy kita." Matthew muttered to him before asking Charles a difficult question.




"Selos ka?"

your skibidi, my skibidiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin