Chapter 4

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Pamela's P.O.V

After that stressing event, I suddenly had the urge to save up more. So I can finally leave that hell like house. I don't even know why I sometimes call that home when it's crystal clear that it's not.

I'm now on my way to my work with Madi in my arms. It's also one of the reasons why I want to leave that house. Madi's getting bigger, and the time will come that I won't be able to bring her to my work anymore. But I don't want to leave her in the house, something bad might happen to her.

I also think that the supervisor has noticed Madi. It was like he was just trying to catch me red-handed.

I'm afraid he would find out about it. I don't want to be fired, I still need this work to save money in case I am ready to leave that house.

I stopped by a small store to buy snacks, it's not for me, it's actually for Madi. There's free snacks in my work, but Madi doesn't want it.

I feel like I now love Madi more than myself. I chuckled with that thought.

When I arrived at my work, I immediately put Madi in her hiding place and did my work.

Hours passed, and the break time came. I secretly got Madi's snacks and sneakily went to her hiding place.

"Until when are you going to bring Madi to your work?" asked by MJ.

"I don't know,"

"You have to think about it now, Madi's getting bigger. If they find out about it, your work will be at stake." It was Anggie this time.

"What can I do? I don't have anyone who can take care of her while I'm at work."

"Just leave her in your house with her prepared food. She'll be safe there." Suggested by MJ.

No, she's not. She'll be in more danger if I leave her in that hell like house.

After my work, I went to Madi's hiding place so we could go home already. If I could really call that home.

I did the things I needed to do quickly so I could sleep already. But now that I'm lying in my bed, my brain is so noisy, it's so chaotic.

So, to be able to sleep, I went to the kitchen to get some fresh milk. I was the one who bought it so I didn't hesitate.

I was about to bring the milk back in the ref when a hand got it from me. I looked at who it was. It was Lyndon. I can say that some things are about to happen.

I am not wrong.

He drastically held my arms and tried to kiss me. I did my best to wriggle so I could get out of his hold, but I failed. The least thing I could do was tilt my head so he wouldn't be able to kiss my lips.

When I finally saw a chance to get out of his hold, I kicked his weakness that made him stumble on his stance.

When I finally got out of his hold, I immediately ran to my room and locked my door. I thought I wouldn't be able to make it.

I smelled his breath earlier. It was stinky, a mixture of his bad breath and alcohol. I don't wanna smell that again.

I'm so tired of this. I desperately want to leave this house. Once I see a chance to leave this house, I won't hesitate.

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