Chapter One

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I am no ordinary girl, sure, I like pink. Still, unlike most girls my age I like mathematics and football (go sports!!!) not to mention I'm sooo much prettier than those whores. While they're getting trampled in Sephora and stressing about crying out their eyeliner, their boyfriends are basking in my natural beauty. Even though my parents were blessed with the most perfect little angel girl ever (I mean, I'm practically hot Jesus) they still got a divorce!!! So now I'm here, with my evil stepmother, stuck in my preppy room with nothing to entertain me but my own imagination. 

Usually, I'd be up by now, but today something felt different; the air was heavier, like Christmas Eve but more drowsy and ominous. Not to mention that my stepmother, Ckathrine, hadn't come to bang on my door like it was an FBI-warranted drug raid. So I sat there. Awaiting my release, and my coffee (I drink mine black because that's what important people do). I sat up in bed and glanced over at my full-length mirror. I am by no means model-worthy but with my luscious black hair and perfectly round violet orbs, I can't help but admire my reflection. Then, as I was beginning to go back to bed, my stepmother called. 

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