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Nicks POV

"Mom can you help me with my maths homework?" I asked as it was algebra and I was also really struggling with maths. "No Nick I'm helping Matt you know how hard things are for him" she said telling Matt the anwser and trying to explain it to him.

I walked back up to my room and slumped down onto my chair at my desk,I decided to go to Justin surely he'll know he's done this before. "Justin? Oh your helping Chris..." I said hiding my paper behind my back,I walked back into my room and placed my head in my hands trying to understand the question better.

I even used trusty old google. Nothing. "Nick what was you gonna ask me?" He asked kneeling down next to me "If you could help me with my algebra homework..." I muttered laying on my desk. "Yeahhh sorry bud but I have no fucking clue with that. Have you asked mom?" He said laughing a bit.

I nodded. "She's helping Matt..." I said almost in tears,I couldn't understand any of this "hey don't cry. You'll get it Nick" he said Walking Downstairs. I threw my pencil on the desk and just sat there searching on Google for around 2 hours. I still didn't get it.

"NICK DINNER" mom shouted,I walked downstairs and grabbed my plate then walked to my room. Usually I eat with Matt and Chris but I had to study so I could understand more. I completely forgot about my food and it went cold.

I hid it in a bag I had in my bag then carried on like nothing happened. "Nick? What the fuck?" Matt came in and asked,looking at my desk that was now a mess. "I-oh sorry..." I said tidying it up "No no it's not that but what the fuck are you googling you have like a million tabs open" he said sounding concerned.

"Oh. I was trying to understand my maths homework and everyone was busy so I went to google" I said "Get some sleep" Matt said. "No no...I need to finish this" I said running my hands through my hair "Here let me help you then" Matt said. "But it's like 10pm? You usually sleep early..." I said looking down at my hands,I didn't get a reply I just got the paper pulled away from my as Matt started reading it.

He had a look on his face. "If you don't under stand it then don't worry literally I don't care." I said "Yeah I'm sorry Nick..." Matt apologised "It's alright don't worry get some sleep" I said as he left my room. I started editing and doing my homework at the Same time until mom came into my room. "I can hear you typing aggressively from my room what are you even doing up?" She asked.

"Just homework..." I said laying on my desk "Make sure you get it done Nick. I'm not going into any other meetings this week about your 'anxiety' and 'depression' because I'm sick of it. Your trying to be your brothers for attention." She said closing my door. All I could do was burst into tears,I didn't know what else to do,I couldn't think straight,I could see right,my mind was going every place at one.  

I just zoned out as I was tapping my pen on my paper I had in front of me. Dad came in. "Nick your mom has already came in here be quiet everyone's trying to sleep." He said crossing his arms. I stopped and looked at me. "Okay I'm sorry" I said putting my head in my hands.

He soon left and before I knew it the clock ticked to 6am. I threw my pen on the desk and started to get ready. I really didn't want to go into school but I didn't have a choice. I grabbed my backpack and left the house.

I walked to school getting on a bus and being humiliated didn't sound so comfortable to me. I arrived at school and saw Malcom standing there. "Hey you look exhausted..." he said my only reply was laying my head on his chest,he wrapped his arms around me and took me to the library.

"Did you sleep last night?" He asked playing with my hair "No...I was up trying to understand my homework" I said. "Your such a nerd oh my god" he laughed I just hummed,he stopped laughing. "No but seriously why didn't you ask anyone?" He asked "No one well everyone was busy or they didn't understand it..." I said closing my eyes.

Nick angst Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now