hana banana
we've arrived at the airport now
probably gonna go to the hotel to change and what not before going to the game


hana banana
you're so fucking weird bro

don't let nika hear you say that :)

hana banana
mhm, i'll whoop her ass

andddd screenshotted.
i will now use this as blackmail

hana banana
i can js get you arrested

nd nika would be on your ass
anyways, im glad y'all made it safely let me know if there's anything you guys need

hana banana
no need dušo, you've done enough for us!
that wasn't me btw that was my mom i would never be sweet to you. i hope you know

i know, only time you say smth to me in croatian is when you cuss me out.

hana banana
anyways i'll see you later

bye drive safe!

I chuckle and shake my head. hana is literally like my little sister now.

i get dressed, take a couple pictures, grab all my things and head out. i text paige and let her know i'm in the way and if anyone needs any snacks.

and let's just say that was a mistake because she sent a whole list of things people wanted.

then sent tons of emojis calling me a sugar momma. i swear my best friend is so fucking weird.

i go get everyone's things and head to the gym. i walk in with the bags in my hand and call out to them. "come get y'all's snacks before they end up in my stomach!" they all come sprinting over.

"thank youuuu" aubrey says grinning at the snacks. "you're welcome, now eat these snacks and go back to practice" they all groan and turn away from.

i look at nika and smile at her. "how're you feeling mama?" she grins and hugs me. "i'm good, thanks for the snacks sammy" i grin and kiss her forehead.

"kim comin to the game?" i nod my head. "yea i talked to geno about her sitting on the bench and he agreed." she smiles and nods her head.

"i can't believe she asked paige out. i honestly thought paige would've done it but i guess not" i shrug my shoulders.

"yea me too, but i guess kim has more balls then paige" nika laughs and pushes my shoulder. "aye! evergreen can i have my player back?!" i hear someone call out.

i look over and see geno and laugh nodding my head. i lightly push her over there. "go practice, im gonna be here whenever you're done don't worry" she rolls her eyes and walks away.

"GYAT!" she turns back around and i look away like i didn't say anything. "fucking weirdo" she laughs.

the game has started not too long ago.  we are playing butler and so far they've been fouling the hell out of us. (i'm not sure if this is true but let's js play like it is😊)

nika has 2 fouls right now and i can tell it's starting to stress her out. "sam! i'm taking her out, talk some sense into her! i need my defensive player back!" i hear geno call out.

i nod my head. he sends aubrey in to sub nika out. nika comes out and huffs as she goes down the line. she tried to walk back to the front next to Chris but i pull her so she's sitting next to me.

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