Sam's Digimon Partner

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Level: Rookie

Type: Vegetarian

Attribute; Data

Pomumon's Attacks:

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Pomumon's Attacks:

Rapid Seed which Allows Pomumon to Spit out Countless Seed-like Bullets from its Mouth

Fruits Rush which Allows Pomumon to Curl Up and Speeds off but this Attack is Often used as a means of Escape rather than an Attack


Level: Champion/Digivolution

Type: Dinosaur

Attribute; Virus

Parasaurmon's Attacks:

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Parasaurmon's Attacks:

Immobilising Sweetness which Allows Parasaurmon to Spit a Numbing Gas out of its Mouth

Wavy Oktavist which Allows Parasaurmon to Emit a Super Low Pitch Cry that Crushes even Rocks but at a Loud Volume it Engulfs Several 10s of Meters around it in a Whirlpool of Destruction


Level: Ultimate/Matrix Digivolution

Type: Vegetation

Attribute; Vaccine

Ajatarmon's Attacks:

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Ajatarmon's Attacks:

Assault Hatchet which Allows Ajatarmon to Strike the Enemies with an all Purpose Hatchet that Cuts Down even Large Trees in an Instant

Entangling Ivy which Allows Ajatarmon to Restrain the Enemies with Tentacles that Grows from the Back of its Head.

Shotgun Moss which Allows Ajatarmon to Shoots Poisonous Grass Needles that Grows from its Head like Hair to Restrict the Enemies's Movements


Level: Mega/Dark Digivolution

Type: Vegetation

Attribute; Virus

Hydramon's Attacks:

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Hydramon's Attacks:

Biotoxin which Allows Hydramon to Spew a Poison Gas out from the Mouth on its Abdomen that has the same Components as its Deadly Venom

Scatterblaster which Allows Hydramon to Randomly Fire Beams from its 3 Heads.

Fault Break which Allows Hydramon to Completely Destroy its Enemies as well as the Earth by causing Ivy by Spreading Underground to move Violently which Creates Fissures


Level: Mega/True Bio-Merge Digivolution

Type: Fairy

Attribute; Vaccine

BloomLordmon's Attacks:

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BloomLordmon's Attacks:

Seed Belt which Allows BloomLordmon to Shoot Countless Seeds from the Petals on its Left Shoulder like a Machine Gun

Sprout Rush which Allows BloomLordmon to Pierce the Enemies with the Flower Spear it holds in its Right Hand

Gran del Sol/Great of the Sun which Allows BloomLordmon to Fire a Thick Beam of Light with a Huge Sword that Appears from within its Flower Spear only when it has Bloomed

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