"Sit down," Nyra said and pointed the young man to a chair near the fireplace.

    "Is it that serious? You're scaring me," Laenor grinned nervously, lowering himself onto the slightly creaky furniture.

    "I apologize in advance for bringing up such a topic. Believe me, I'm not overly pleased with it either, but it's vital we talk about it," Rhaenyra sat down across from her spouse, concentrating.

    "Then don't delay, the sooner the better."


    Silence hung between them. Laenor looked at the princess, by the expression on her face, one could clearly see the doubt and anxiety she was feeling.

    Finally gathering her thoughts, Rhaenyra spoke up:

    "We need to conceive a child."

    Laenor looked at her dazedly, opening his mouth but not knowing what to say. He tried to get something out of his mouth, but all he could get out was a mute opening and closing of his lips. Nyra looked at him expectantly. She realized how unfamiliar the subject was to Velarion, but they had to do something about it. If they didn't have an heir, Rhaenyra might not be able to solidify her position as the future queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

    It was a bloody necessity.

    "I.. I don't know what to say!" Laenor spread his hands, finding himself completely at a loss.

    "I can't imagine how hard this is going to be, but we have to get through it. And most likely more than once..." Rhaenyra, propped her hand on her head, contemplating what the newlyweds would have to do. "For our own good."

    Laenor nodded understandingly. He understood the need, especially knowing they would have to do such a thing. It was obvious, they were married after all! However, the thought of spending the night together was unsettling. Things could go wrong. Velarion had tried sleeping with women before, of course, but then his taste had changed, so he didn't really know what it would be like to do it with a girl again. And Rhaenyra, even though she was no longer innocent, still felt anxious, not even about the process itself, but about the possibility of getting pregnant. She could not forget the fate of her dear mother. Her poor, beloved mother. After what had been done to her, how could Nyra not be afraid of childbearing?

    "We should try," Laenor said after some thought. He and Rhaenyra had a warm, friendly feeling for each other, as they had known each other since they were children. But that didn't seem to make the task any easier, on the contrary, it made it more difficult. They had to somehow transcend their friendship to get into the same bed and try to conceive a child.

    Nyra closed her eyes. It occurred to her that things would have been a lot easier if Dayraena had been around her, even though she hadn't had the chance to have a child. Rhaena would simply find words of encouragement. Alicent, of course, would also encourage her friend, but would not be able to do so in the way that Dayraena did.

    "I'll be expecting you tonight, then."

    "Just like that?" Laenor had thought that after such a conversation they would wait a little longer, to prepare, but his wife was clearly intent on doing it tonight.

    "There's no need to put it off for too long, you said yourself the sooner the better," the girl stood up, interlocking her hands and heading for the exit. Now that the conversation was done, she could relax a bit and go see Alicent and her children to take her mind off the thoughts of the night ahead. Imagining how uncomfortable it would be for them, Rhaenyra shook her head and tried not to mentally revisit the conversation again that day.

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