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Buck ends up falling asleep in-between Gar's legs along with Gar falling asleep Buck's brain drifts to when he was happy when he had first joined the SEAL team 6 Bravo unit.

'Wait what are you doing here you little pipsqueak and what are you doing in military clothing?' Sonny asks jumping off of the table when Buck just looks down shrugging his shoulders knowing better than to talk to adults unless his name is used. 'Hey you good what is it...Buckley?' Buck continues to look down scared to make eye contact and answers the man.

'I'm ok sir.' Buck says simple hearing snorts from the room Ray tells them to stop seeing the fear and years of abuse and neglect written across the kid from a mile away. 'Hey Buckley, are you sure your ok your not looking up from the ground and you don't have to call us sir. How old are you kid?' Ray says in the same tone he uses for his nephew's and nieces biting his lip.

'I don't understand sir, I always been told by my parents that your not allowed to look up at adults. And fifteen sir.' Everyone remains silent shocked at the information they just took in from the young boy. 'I...uhm n-no your allowed to look up Buckley and your allowed to call us by our  names. Y-Your fifteen?" 

'Yes I was invited to the SEALS after I left home last year.' That confuses everyone even more hearing that he was homeless?...for a year before joining and being invited and that when they see how skinny the boy was. 'Uhm what do you mean?'

'The hospital said my parents never showed up after I got punished, I was gonna go home but I didn't want to go home.' Trent changes the subject seeing how the kid is getting overwhelmed. 'Well we got you, so you were put on our team?' He says putting a hand on Buck shoulder making him duck down slightly making everyone's brows furrow.

"Here lets get you to the range before the bosses show up, also your nickname is pipsqueak so lets see your skills!' Sonny says lifting the kid head up the the chin giving him a large smile and the pure shock that goes through the kid's eye that he wasn't hit for looking up. 'See, nothing gonna happen to yer, whatever your mamma and daddy told you would happen if you look at adults will never happen with us.' They all see the kid brain his turning and going through emotional whiplash breaking their hearts the pure confusion. 'I-this doesn't make sense.' 

'What do you mean?' Trent asks as they grab their guns walking out noticing he is looking down again his shoulders raised like he's ready to protect his head from getting hit. 'I always get beat when I look up t-that's how you know your about to get hit.' The whole team clinches their jaw hearing that and Sonny lifts his head back up. 'Look Steve and Jason are on a duel op so were stationed until their done, but keep your head up high like they always say you we will never lay a finger on you pip.' 


'Promise!' Everyone gives Buck a pinky promise and for the first time in fifteen years Buck doesn't have his head pointed down to the floor. 

Later that day

'Yes! Holy shit the kid is better than you are at sniping Ray!' Sonny yells out patting Buck on the shoulder who just shrugs him off about it. 'It all about physics and math.' Buck says softly than winces scared he is going to get hit for talking without being spoken to. 'Your right about that kid.' Trent says with a large smile when Sonny says something that gets him glared at. 'Hey kid you want a beer?'

'HE FIFTEEN YOU DUMBASS!'  Everyone yells out as Buck scrunches his nose at that confused and also disgusted. 'Beer disgusting had it once because my sister let me try some and it was gross.'  Buck responds softly never speaking over a whisper no one pays any mind to it knowing it will take a few days for them to learn his personality. 'Were you and your sister close?'

Baby BoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora