Chapter 1

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"Pain, Love, Adventure, all things that are beautiful I couldn't describe to you without using their names." 

"There was something there, before it was hollowed out and crushed and all that was left was a heartless, cold, hollow girl left."


The sound of our shoes tatted against the soft ground. I tried to pace myself as we continue to ran. 

"Time?!" Ashlyn yelled. Logan looked at his watch wobbly as he held the shotgun, "Eight minutes!" Logan yelled.

Almost there, we just have to hold on a little longer.

I couldn't hear the phantom but I could sense it was there, its dark presence was not something that could easily be hid.

"The graveyard!" Ashlyn yelled.

It was close, I ran faster as I could sense the phantom was gaining on us.

Ashlyn ran ahead as the passed the wall to the graveyard and hovered her hand over the button to close the gate.

I ran in with Taylor and Ben, I could hear Tyler yelling "Close the gate, close the gate!"

Ashlyn's hand slammed against the button and the door began to creak close.

I held my katana out as the rest of the group held out their weapons.

The phantom gained towards the door as it slammed close.

The Phantom began to bang against the wall.

"Alright, lets head to the bus." Ashlyn suggested. We all got in the bus and sat down.

Tyler slouched against his seat and groaned. "That sucked." He said.

"Why are you complaining?" I said as I hovered over his seat. "You're the athlete here who literally does running for his sport and yet you're the most tired of us all." I snickered.

He glared at me, "Okay Harper, your right I should be used to it by now. But is that really the point right not, even after we nearly got killed by one of those things?" 

"Depends who's asking, half-wit." I said smirking at him knowing that name pissed him off.

He continued to glare at me until Ashlyn spoke and ended the silence between be and him.

"The banging stopped." Ashlyn stated.

"It probably gave up or someth-" Tyler stopped speaking and that's when I directed my attention towards the door of the bus where I saw a phantoms hand, and then its head popped up. 

We all sat in shock, this was the first time one had gotten over the wall, and all of out weapons were away.

"How?" Ashlyn asked in shock.

We all backed up to the back of the bus as we were huddled in a little group, the phantom stepped closer and closer to us with each step.

"Can we open the back door?" Ashlyn asked in fear.

"Its blocked!" I yelled still shook.

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