Prologue: A New Mission

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Lieutenant Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw stared down at the military summons. It was vague, only saying that he and the rest of Dagger Squadron were assigned to a new mission in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. It was strange enough, as that base was an Air Force station, not a Navy one. But what really caught Bradley's attention was the fact that a new member had been temporarily added to the Squadron: Captain Joy "Flopsy" Bradshaw, on stand-by.

Bradley would be seeing his sister again.

It had been years since the two of them had talked to one another--ever since his fallout with Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, his sister seemed to drift further away, getting to the point where they never spoke anymore. Though, Bradley had, in times of strength, looked up what his sister was doing. Over the years, she had ascended the ranks quickly in the Navy, until--one day--she abruptly stopped, on an Air Force base, no less. It confused Bradley, but still, from a standpoint of pride, he refused to reach out. 

After the mission that recalled him and the other pilots to Top Gun, he was changed now, though. He made up with Maverick, and even began accepting Hangman as more of a friend than a rival. But, even though those were two important connections, he had been yearning ever since to see his sister again. His sister-- the captain. He could hardly believe that she was that high up. Though, she had a head start on training. But still, a captain at her age was almost unheard of. Almost.

Another captain was mentioned in the mission. Captain Samantha Carter, Air Force. She was fairly young to be a captain, as well. As well as a whole slew of other characters, most of which Bradley frankly cared little about.

An invitation--well, rather, a command--was sitting right between his fingertips to see his big sister again. All other people--even those in Dagger Squadron--seemed to pale in comparison.

The excitement grew in him, a warm feeling in his chest, though doubts pounded at the reinforcements in his mind, too. What if she doesn't accept me? What if we can't make up? He couldn't help but think.

Bradley stood, and as he did, he tried to push those thoughts from his mind. While it was possible that could happen, he didn't know it would until he saw her. 

Don't think, just do. The motto from Maverick echoed through Bradley's mind.

Right now, he was content enough just to do that.


It was good seeing the other members of Dagger Squadron again, Bradley thought. Since their time at Top Gun, the team had split, returning to their prior positions after being awarded medals of honor for their service in Washington, D.C.. That day had been great. The pilots who flew the mission flight were honored, and their friends--even though they didn't fly with them--were there to support. There were lots of pictures taken, lots of hugs, lots of salutes, and lots of laughs. And, some drinks all around as well.

The only thing that had been missing from that, for him, was Joy. He wished, in some far corner of his heart, that she would show up at the ceremony, that as he accepted his medals and accolades, he would look up to meet her bright smile--but that never happened. As he received the medal, his eyes scanned the crowd, seeing the smiles of his friends, but not the smile of his sister. He missed that smile. His insides felt like they were being squeezed, he wanted that smile back so badly.

Now, the Dagger Squadron pilots were all blinking blearily in the Colorado morning light, waiting for the Air Force vehicle to pick them up from the US Naval Reserve Center in Fort Carson. The reunion of the Squadron had happened once each of them met up in the nearby airport, and what an on-brand reunion it was. Lots of snide remarks, teasing, and overall chaos was exchanged among the group--Hangman and Phoenix mostly exchanging the banter. Bob stayed to the side, laughing, and Bradley mostly observed, only coming in once he was called on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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