Treech responded with a playful roll of his eyes, a hint of amusement dancing in his gaze. "No," he answered, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips as he began to shed his pants, leaving him clad in nothing but his underwear.

"Alright," Cordelia acknowledged with a nod, a determined gleam in her eyes as she bent down to remove her shoes. As Treech turned around to face the water, Cordelia followed suit, swiftly discarding her clothing until she stood before him in her undergarments.

With a gentle grasp, Treech took Cordelia's hand, leading them both into the water. As they waded in, the sensation of the water enveloping their feet was both soothing and invigorating. The temperature was just right, neither too warm nor too cold, meeting Cordelia's preferences perfectly.

Gradually, they ventured deeper into the lake, the water rising around their bodies until it reached their chests, leaving their heads above the surface. Cordelia couldn't help but feel a twinge of panic as the unfamiliar sensation of being submerged set in, but Treech's reassuring presence beside her helped to quell her rising nerves.

"It's okay," Treech murmured softly, his voice a soothing balm against her unease. "Just try to relax and get used to the water." His calm demeanor and encouraging words gave Cordelia the reassurance she needed to push past her initial apprehension, allowing herself to gradually acclimate to the gentle embrace of the lake.

And that was precisely what she did. With each passing moment, Cordelia gradually acclimated to the water's embrace, her body adjusting to its buoyant embrace. As Treech held her securely, she felt a sense of reassurance wash over her, his presence a steady anchor in the fluid expanse around them.

With a gradual release, Treech loosened his hold on her, allowing her to find her own rhythm in the water. As he withdrew his support, Cordelia was left to navigate the aquatic realm on her own, the gentle ebb and flow of the currents guiding her movements.

Yet swimming didn't come naturally to Cordelia, unlike the effortless fluidity of mathematics. She struggled against the resistance of the water, her movements somewhat clumsy as she fought to stay afloat and maneuver through the liquid medium. Back home, swimming wasn't a skill she had honed; the vast expanse of water had always been more of a distant, intimidating presence than a familiar playground.

Cordelia's voice echoed softly against the backdrop of the tranquil waters, her grip tightening around Treech's arm as she struggled to keep herself afloat, her legs kicking fervently beneath the surface in a desperate bid to maintain buoyancy.

"This isn't fun," Cordelia murmured, a hint of frustration tinging her words as she battled against the gentle currents.

Treech, ever the steadfast presence at her side, offered a reassuring response, his voice a soothing balm against her rising apprehension. "You're just not used to it," he reassured her, his tone infused with quiet confidence as he sought to ease her worries and guide her through the unfamiliar waters.

The water rippled gently around them, casting shimmering reflections in the fading light of dusk as Treech waded closer to Cordelia, his movements graceful yet purposeful. With a tender hand supporting her, he positioned himself in front of her, his gaze earnest and inquisitive.

A tender smile graced his lips as his eyes lingered on the familiar glint of his necklace adorning her neck.  For a while, he had assumed Cordelia's mother had thrown it away, deeming it insignificant or perhaps laden with painful memories. After all, he hadn't glimpsed it adorning Cordelia's neck in what felt like an eternity.

The delicate chain of Cordelia's necklace had become an inseparable part of Treech's being, a tangible link to the woman who had captured his heart. Whether nestled against his chest or tucked away in his pocket, its presence was a source of unparalleled comfort and reassurance. To Treech, it was more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a cherished relic of their shared history, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that had engulfed him upon his return from the Capitol.

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