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This part is a little, ehh, but this fic will get cuter and fluffier in the next chapters!

You kicked snow off the fire escape you stood on. Looking down, you saw a man walking down the street. He had hair that blended in with the snow, and was practically skipping down the sidewalk. He walked right past your apartment.

"Nothing good today." You said, as you sighed and leaned on the rusty railing.

The fire escape shifted as you stepped back into your apartment. You looked out over the window by the sink in your small kitchen. You smiled.

There was a man in the alleyway, leaned up against the wall on his phone. "Good. I was starving anyways." You went to your room to pull something out of the bottom drawer.

"Meow." You said, putting on your mask. It was a black cat, Touka's recommendation. You pulled your hoodie tight around the mask and walked into the alleyway.

The boy looked about 16. "Fresh meat." You said. The boy looked at you in confusion, quickly fading to terror when he saw your kagune escape.

You charged at him, grabbing his throat and holding him against the wall. "Quit squirming." You said, jabbing your kagune into his stomach.

It was red, but the tips were purple. There were 4 needles coming out of your upper shoulder. The bottom two were purple.

The man was grabbing your kagune, trying to pull it out. "Give up." You jabbed a needle into his throat, right in the center.

You released the attack, watching his limp body shuffle down the wall. You took of your mask, setting it on the now-bloodied snow.

You bit into his shoulder. It was quenching your thirst. The moment didn't last, though.

"Well, hello there." A voice said from behind you. Grabbing your mask, you turned around from where you were kneeling down. "What do you want?" You stood up, smiling.

You stuck out your kagune, the boy snickering back at you. "You'll make a lovely quinque." You observed his figure.

He was the boy from before. He had a case with him we wasn't carrying before. He pushed the button, and you knew what would happen.

A quinque resembling a death scythe appeared in his hands. The boy ran towards you with fast speed. You shielded yourself with your kagune, forcing off his strong quinque.

"Tell me. What is it with you ghouls eating people?" He said. You ran onto a wall, and jumped on top of him, aiming your kagune. He dodged it, throwing a knife into your chest.

You cringed as the knife hit your stomach. "With us?" You ran towards him aiming your kagune at his head. He pulled his quinque in front and cut off your kagune. You stepped back as he slowly walked towards you.

It was a lost cause. You climbed up the wall and pulled yourself on the rooftop. You slid down behind a heater and held your wound.

"What a shame." The boy said before packing up his quinque and calling someone about the body.

Once he was gone, you climbed on the apartments rooftop and landed on the fire escape. You opened the door, and stepped back inside.

"Yeah. What a shame." You'd gotten enough of that boys flesh to satisfy yourself. The kagune you had would grow back in time. Hopefully you wouldn't have to fend off anyone for 2 months.

You looked out the small window of your apartment. The boy was across the street. There were multiple police and ambulance cars in the road. Other people had come out to see the commotion.

You slumped down against the door, staring at the ground. The last few months of your killings had gone uninterrupted. Did they add more people to the ward? You thought.

Your wound was wrapped up, and wasn't too deep. It would take a while to heal, but not as long as it would take for your kagune to grow back.

You closed the blinds to the windows and got in bed, staring up at the ceiling. For some reason that night, you couldn't sleep. The event of the day kept playing in your mind, over and over again.

You sighed as you turned over and shut your eyes.

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