How To Save a Life: 2~ Learn everything about them

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Learn everything about them: This builds trust and helps you know how the handle the situation without making them mad. Also this way you have also built a friendship with this person and are most likely to get through to them without road blocks or lots of hoops to jump through.

I hurried to my next class, computers. Resting at my computer, which consisted of breathing heavily and trying to catch my breath while taking in the fresh cut grass outside, in which was making me sneeze, I quickly logged on and started the project I was working on. Then teacher walked in, late as usual, and told us to do exactly what I was doing. Glad that I didn't have to worry about that guy, I continued my work in peace.

Afterward, when I left school, I walked home. With home meaning hell. I went straight to work.

Once I finally got in bed I heard a knock on my door. That's odd, no one knocks on my door.

I softly open the door, trying to hide my stolen Avenger's pajamas from the person on the other side. "Hello?"

"Hi, um," his face was covered by flowers, tons of roses. "I'm looking for a beautiful girl I met earlier today." He uncovered his face I have no idea who this guy is. Its not Aaron, for sure. Nor am I comfortable with this stranger at my door.

"There are none of those here. You might want to check B24 or E7." I blush.

"No, I'm at the right place." and he let himself in.

"Um... I haven't met you before..." I follow him in unsure.

"80% of all relationships start with the guy walking into the girls room, when he doesn't even know her. The other 20 start with the guy knowing her already. Your part of the 20." he winked, checking out my place and putting the flowers on my bed.

"But I don't know you."

"Yet." he looked at my bed and smiled. "Why do you live here?"

Then I remembered. At the park, the guy with the ball. "How did you get my address?"

"Didn't, I followed you."

"Woah, woah, woah, that's not gonna work hot guy. Get out." I tried to pull him, I really don't trust this guy. But he gives me this sense of comfort.

"Hot guy? Nice." he winked again. I pulled more, he didn't move. I'm to weak. "Okay, okay, I'll leave... if you promise me one thing."


"You'll wake up."




"So basically... that was my life for many days. Random dreams and Aaron. The hotel and school." I told my therapist. "I saw Aaron the next day. We talked. His parents own a car company that makes a lot of money. I told him my story... he told me his. With a price though, of course. He took me to a pizza place a few days later..."


"Your life at that hotel sucks."

"Yeah, I get treated terribly." The pizza landed in the middle of our table right after I said that. He called it The Monster because 'its the most monstrous, huge, yummy pizza in the world.' I took my first bite. "Oh gosh this is amazing!"

He smirked, "I know. Mushrooms, olives, mint, Baroque. Amazing." I quickly noticed he acted different around me then at school. He was more free and less cocky. More open then anything.

One night, after he helped me with work, he brought me to a lake at night. It was nice and cool, not to cool but not to warm, just enough to give you chills when the wind blew. "So, I have talked to my parents and they think its a great idea..." he started walking around, I know this means he's nervous. "that um..." he smiled at the ground, "you stay at my place until you find somewhere you can stay without the hotel."

"Wait, so we'd be living, in the same place, at the same time?"

He laughed, "Yeah."

One moment I didn't even know the guy (last week) and he's already offering a place for me to stay.

"You can live in the basement. Its like your room but it has a kitchen and living room." he looked at me hoping.

"Can I meet your family first?"


"I still don't see the problem," the therapist replied.

"In time you'll understand." I reassured.


And that's where we end this time! its not that long... but that's ok.

tell me what you think?

does it make sense?

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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