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Is love worth it?
Is it worth trusting a familiar stranger with your heart?
Is it worth trusting that they'll make your smile brighter?
Is it worth yearning for it?
Is it worth fighting for?

Just thoughts of a normal college girl,
Who wants to be loved,
She wants to be vulnerable with him,
She wants to turn heads in admiration when she passes,
She wants someone to love her naked,
She wants to be loved unconditionally,

But, that ain't possible,
She hates herself more than she loves herself,
She hates her flows,
Her big lower lip and oversized foot,
Her heavily toned arms and calves,
She hates her whole existence,
Because why exist if you're not cut out for one thing that can save you?

Still she doesn't stop hoping,
She can't stop yearning for affection,
Affection with the ONE,
So she worries everyday of what she'll do to change her,
She ain't rich so there ain't no short cut for her,
Worries eat her up,
She feels more worthless with each passing day,
She self isolates,
Self critism is her best character,
The hate for herself grow bigger,

Without realizing how draining all that is,
Her mind and body screems fatigue,
Anxiety creeps in,
She grows tired of life,
She grows tired of trying to live,
She's tired of living a life she ain't living,
She wants to end it all,
But there's nothing to end but the life in her head,

I watch her everyday,
And I resonate with her,
But I don't think it's worth it,
I don't think love is worth beating herself up,
I don't think it's worth all the hate, anxiety,
And depression,
Because I don't really think she'll be happier even after finding it.

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