a little thing to my friends

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This isn't quite a vent, but I just wanted to say how thankful I am for all of my friends <3:

To start, I'd like to thank all my friends because they're just so amazing.
To Ali, shes honestly so important to me idk what I would do without her. I'm gonna miss her next year when we go to different schools, but I'll be sure to stay in touch every day <3
Also, thank you for caring so much about my mental health and calling me the right name and everything you're my #1 supporter. I love talking to you all the time and even though you might think it, I'll never get tired of you or think of you as a nuisance. You're my best friend <3

2, to H, who I'm able to talk about to anything. I'm able to comfort her and she comforts me, and it's wonderful. We can talk about mature things without her getting offended, and we can laugh at stupid boys at track. I mean, today, I told her that "sometimes I wish bad things would happen just so something interesting could happen in my life" and the only thing anyone's ever told me is that that's unhealthy but she said she thinks the same thing XD I'm glad I can talk to her abt stuff like that.

To A, who has helped me through so much. And I mean so much. I can always go to her to vent, and she's always got my back. Hell, she helped me come out!! We can confide in each other and we both trust each other enough to open up. She always checks up on me and makes sure I'm okay, and she'll forever be my friend <3

To F, who I don't know all too well, but shes always cheering me on at track and we always give each other pep talks. She may be emotionally fragile, but I'll always protect her from those asshole girls from that one green team <3

To M, who always makes me laugh and makes me forget about anything going on. I don't get to see her a lot, but she's so hilarious and I love spending time with her. I've barely known her for 4 months and I Think she's what I look forward to on wednesdays.

To B, who I'm not even really friends with, but always uses my correct pronouns even if I never directly asked. Dude even gives me fashion advice!! Even if all my friends don't particularly like him, I've gotten to know him pretty well and see him in another light now.

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