Chapter 1: Ignited Feelings

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An average cloudless sky day appeared in the city. Tepid rays from sunlight beaming down the roof of the grand entertainment establishment, the Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. In the staff parking lot, a black sports car was parked in one spot. The engine stopped purring. The door was opened by its driver, a tall midnight black coated anthropomorphic hare exited the car he parked. Enclothed with security gear ready for his job.

Exited the staff parking, the hare made his way through the customers' parking before walked up to the doors of the Pizzaplex. Wondering what the new day brings, he entered the establishment.

Signing himself in with the time he started with, he smiled a little. He's always on time. He woke up early in case if there are any traffic getting in his way. Normally he wasn't enjoying his work time as the daytime security because most of the co-workers were intimidated by his aura, even the band known as the Glamrocks were uneased. The co-workers were scared enough to keep the children away from the hare, worried they might cry by glooming glance. The hare would've stayed that way, if weren't for the one life-changing experience. Something illuminated his world, the third attendant member from the Superstar Daycare. He was dressed in a circus aesthetic mixed with the themes of day and night.

From his first day in the Pizzaplex, the third attendant was curious about the hare at first glance. While the other two attendants were busy, the third exited the Daycare and begin his search. Unaware of how big the Pizzaplex is, the daycare attendant was easily overwhelmed and gotten lost without directions. Before he could panic, he suddenly bumped into the hare. Stepping backwards, the attendant wasn't aware of the wet floor. The wet floor sign robot tried to warn the attendant but it was too late, he slipped. However before he could fall, the hare grabbed him by the wrist instantly and practically pulled him to the chest.

In astonish, the attendant glanced up to the saviour's face; the hare. "O-Oh thank you. I didn't know where I was going, sorry."

"No need to say sorry," the hare responded, his low and husky voice was heard. "I was distracted."

The attendant was surprised, he never expected how the hare was sounded. "You must be the hare of the security department."

"That I am, yes."

"Then you must be popular with the other officers."

"Opposite of your assumptions, sadly."

The daycare attendant was puzzled. "What do you mean by that?"

"The co-workers didn't want to talk to me," replied the hare, sighing. He let go of the attendant. "They even not allowing the kids coming towards me. It happens to me for almost a year now."

Felt sorry for him, the attendant gave the hare a warm smile. "Well I was curious about you since I saw you. I left the Daycare to find you. If you wanted to, I'd like to get to know you."

The hare's right ear twitched with surprise and wonder. "You... want to get to know me?"

"Somebody has to," the attendant nodded. "I'm Eclipse, by the way. What's yours?"

"Call me MXES," the hare requested, introducing himself.

From then on, Eclipse and MXES spending time with each other. Their interaction became unnoticed by the employees and the Glamrocks. They were confused. One of the employees which was a security officer walked to the two new friends.

"You're not scared of him," the security officer inquired.

Eclipse was confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Look at him," the guard replied, pointing at MXES. "He's tall and he's glaring. It's terrifying! We can't risk the kids to talk to him, he could have make them cry."

Acknowledging MXES's expression mixed with surprise and pain, Eclipse glared at the security guard. "Have you even tried to interact with him? That's the issue. You jumped to conclusions too early. People like you should feel ashamed."

All of the sudden, a tall muscular anthropomorphic male alligator walked to the three before standing in front of Eclipse and MXES. He glanced down at the security guard.

"Same happened to me too," the alligator agreed. "People like you jumped to conclusions even before Bonnie's disappearance. All because I'm an alligator and nothing else. I don't get why people like you are like that."

The rest of the Glamrocks of the bear, the chicken, the wolf and the rabbit appeared with the alligator.

"In fact, were you not the source who spread rumours of MXES, Roxanne and Monty because they looked intimidating," questioned the orange anthropomorphic bear man.

"They're not friendly," the security guard answered, trying to get his point across. "The way they glance, their voices and tones. Do you think the kids could be safe? With THEM?! The alligator and wolf, I am scared because they're monsters. But MXES? Why was he born like he wanted to harm innocence?"

Repulsed by the employee's cowardly attitude, the bear man sneered. "And what about me? Some chopped liver?"

"Well, you're the mascot brand of the Fazbear Industry," the guard argued. "Even though there was a bad stain passed down from the predecessors since the Pain of '83 but still--"

"Enough," the bear man interrupted the guard's respond, snapping his fingers to summon a pair of bouncer men. "I already reported it before Eclipse met MXES. You're fired. Men, take him away."

The bouncer men soon left with the security guard. Eclipse blinked with confusion.

"There's so much to process right now," Eclipse spoke.

The bear man turned to MXES. "I'm sorry if that security officer was being rude."

"It's alright," MXES responded, scratching the back of his head. "Normally I'd feel upset. But not anymore."

Eclipse smiled with glee at his new friend. MXES returned the smile. It was the beginning of something new, something unfamiliar.

After recalling the first day they met, MXES sighed with bliss, listening to the yells and cheers of children roaming around the Pizzaplex. The joyful sounds of children contradicting MXES's thunderstorm... of feelings. Every day he spend time with Eclipse, he felt emotions stirring, yearning to be free from chains within his heart. But doesn't know how.

Once arrived at the doors to the Daycare, MXES knocked on them. One of the doors opened, Eclipse appeared in sight. His eyes gleaming with joy.

"Hello, MXES," Eclipse greeted, a smile on his face. "Normally you'd wonder around the job before coming here."

MXES returned the smile, less than his illuminating friend. "One of my co workers allowed me to come here early. Are you busy today?"

Before he could respond, the pale skinned man in night-time aesthetic clown clothes appeared with the dark skinned man in day-time aesthetic clown outfit behind Eclipse.

"He's not so busy at all," exclaimed the daytime aesthetic attendant with glee. "Moon and I got everything under control!"

"Sun is right," Moon the night themed attendant agreed. "Don't worry about us, Eclipse."

"I-I can still help--" Eclipse's words trailed off, both Sun and Moon pushed his back with all of their might. Eclipse stumbled forward until he was caught by MXES's big muscular biceps.

Eclipse was astonished to be saved by MXES again, his cheeks enlightened soft tint of pink. MXES also blushed in pink.

Sun and Moon waved at Eclipse with encouraging smiles before closing the doors in front of them, leaving the vitiligo skinned man alone with MXES. The midnight black hare let go of him.

Eclipse fidgeted the long tail of the night cap with nerves. "Sh-Shall we?"

"Sure," MXES replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why not?"

Guarded Eclipse - FNAF SB Ruin Anthropomorphic AUWhere stories live. Discover now