Just Two Dudes

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Chapter 2 scene 3

Sam's mind scrambled to make sense of what was happening. He was grabbing a beer with Eminem!

Whoa. Unexpected.

Was it weird that he'd asked one of the most successful rappers of all time to get a drink? It wasn't like he'd asked him out, he reminded himself. It was just a beer. And dudes went out for beer all the time. It was normal. Or marginally normal to hang out with his student's dad. Stef was in his Literature of Film class next term. He tried not to over think the situation as he drove the short 3 blocks to the bowling alley.

Oh shit.

He remembered, in a moment of clarity that Eminem didn't drink. How had he forgotten a detail that was in every single article ever written about Marshall Mathers? He was in Alcoholics Anonymous and Elton John was his sponsor. Sam wasn't sure if he'd made up the last detail but Eminem wore a necklace with the sobriety symbol which probably meant he didn't want to go to a bar.


Sam wasn't sure he was expecting Em to actually show up but when he pulled into the parking lot of Henry's Bar & Bowling Alley, a black Mercedes with tinted windows was waiting with the engine running. Should he get out of the car first or wait for Eminem to make the first move? What would be normal?

Why was he so paranoid?

It wasn't like it was the first time he'd met the legendary musician; Eminem had dutifully attended school events with his daughters. Christmas concerts, end of the year awards, track meets, even the football game when his oldest daughter was crowned Homecoming Queen. Emimen had always worked with the administration to be present without causing a disruption; he had always gone to great lengths to be part of his daughter's education.

Sam's principal had called a staff meeting when Bailey had started high school. They went over security details, drop offs, picks ups, what students were and were not allowed to ask her about. Luckily, Bailey was easy going and friendly. Nothing had seemed out of the ordinary until Eminem had requested a parent teacher conference. These meetings were usually reserved for failing students, students with attendance or behavior problems — students that were closer to Eminem's persona not his mild mannered daughter.

Before the conference, Sam's room had to be checked in advance by school security officers and he had to surrender his cellphone during the meeting. Eminem had shown up, exactly on time, flanked by two enormous bodyguards with headsets, dressed in black. His daughter, Bailey, waited outside the classroom while they spoke. In person, Em was shorter than Sam had expected, thinner with a softer voice. His eyes darted around the room before zeroing in on Sam with a slight eyeroll, as though the security measure were over the top. Whatever Sam had been expecting, Eminem was not it. There was no posturing or hostility, just a concerned parent. At 45, Em was still boyishly handsome with intense blue eyes which left Sam feeling completely flustered.

The entire entourage had taken at seats around his desk without saying a word. Sam wasn't even sure why a conference had been requested, Em's daughter was a straight A student. Working under the assumption that any sudden movement might get him shot, Sam had slowly slid a copy of Bailey's grades across the table.

He folded his arms self-consciously. "Your daughter is doing a phenomenal job in class."

A look of confusion passed out Eminem's face. "Uhhh. What?"

"Bailey is an incredible student."

Em blinked hard. "She said she's failing."

Sam laughed. "No, not even close. She just wrote fantastic essay comparing Anakin and Padme from Star Wars to Romeo and Juliet for extra credit. And she's helping our Nigerian exchange students study vocabulary."

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