Falling for her (Claire x Idiot Male Reader)

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requested by itspizzatimeboi

You were lightly kicking your legs as you were blushing, you had your head down with a frown on your face. You looked up, seeing her sitting there, humming as you could feel your heart beat grow louder and louder. You were trying to read a book in front of you, but always found your eyes sneaking away from it, looking back up at Claire.

Claire: You doing okay Y/N?

She asked, looking at you, making you let a small gasp out as you looked up.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Y/N: Y-Yeah, yeah! I'm uhhh doing ay okay!

You said, smiling as you put your thumbs up, she let a small giggle out as she went back to reader her book. You looked around, being seated in the middle of the library with her. You were having a small study session for your English class. You were trying to act like you understood everything, you had a massive crush on Claire from all she's done for you.

Claire: So Y/N, ready to go over some stuff?

She asked, leaning towards you as she had a smile on your face. You put your book down as you looked at her. You nodded your head as she did the same.

Claire: So you wanted to work on your spelling right?

She asked you.

Y/N: Yes!

You said, smiling as she grabbed her book. She read through it for a minute, she was looking for a good word.

Claire: Spell . . . Boisterous!

She gave you the word as you already felt pressure on you. You began to breath slightly heavy as you looked up at her.

Y/N: u-uhhhh . . . . B o y-

Suddenly she stopped you.

Claire: Sorry, that's wrong.

She said, frowning as you looked at her.

Y/N: I'm so sorry, please forgive me!

You said loudly, looking at her as if you were going to break down. She quickly stopped you, placing her hand on your leg as she looked at you.

Claire: Y/N it's fine. I know you have trouble with learning and things like that. Please, continue to spell it though.

She told you, giving you a slight boost as you smiled.

Y/N: B o i s t e r o u s

You said, closing your eyes as you didn't hear her say anything. You opened them, looking at her with a wide grin across her face. You had gotten it right, she gave you a small clap as you blushed.

Paper Love (Fundamental Paper Education characters x Male Reader Oneshots)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat