Chapter 2

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I gaze at the other families and stare across the parapet, lacing the stolen boots, and checking the sheathes in my corset and pants, I'm going to be thankful of Asters gift later. All the soon to be cadets line up, I was somewhere in the middle, people were staring, mumbling, and pointing. I just stood there taking the War College across the Parapet into  view. Soon a guard was stabbing me in the back to make me head across. I look behind me, shooting a glare, and put my foot on the wall with no railing, I stark making my way across, until I hear a scream. I look behind me and see a guy push another one off the walkway. 

"Your next Raven, surprised they even let you join." The boy stares directly at me, I turn, calming my breath, I start walking faster, halfway there.

"Catch me bitch" I shout, walking fast and carefully, muttering the types of dragons under my breath.  "Green clubtail, bonds with usually the most level headed. Red swordtail, bonds with the most temperamental. Brown scythetail bond with the most merciful riders." I remember Aster writing about his dragon, how she was so funny, how she helped him lead.

Three quarters of the way there, almost safe from the boy behind me that was coming after me. I feel my ankle twist, shit, weakness I keep moving, almost there, almost there. Soon I reach the entrance, roll in as the boy jumps me, I unsheathe a dagger, and situate myself after he recovers. My knife was under his balls, I press it into them.

"Who are you?" The rider asks, the scribe holding his pen, looking at me in disbelief.

"Raven, Calypso Raven" I say keeping my focus on the boy with the knife at his manhood, he was frozen, shaking with rage ever so slightly.

"Cadet Raven....Oh shit, well, surprised you didn't die out there...and who are you?" The rider asks the boy who had a knife at his balls.

"Bradley Jenkins" He says, the scribe writes it down.

"Well cadet, I advise you to get the fuck away from Cadet Raven because she seems to have you by the balls" he laughs, Bradley looks at me seething with rage, his arms moving quickly, I jump back, then he lunges at me. This time I swing around, wrapping my arm around his neck, my dagger at his throat.

"Nice try Jenkins" *I whisper in his ear, the rider looks surprised at me, I would be to, seeing is how I didn't have body mass to go against the other Cadet. He yields, seething at me as I walk away, sheathing my dagger.

"You just kicked his ass back there, Im Faryn Hallows, you?" I stare at the girl who had walked up, I kept walking to the big pavilion with a crumbling wall.

"Calypso Raven" I respond bluntly, analyzing everyone, those who were watching me were some first years, squad leaders, and the wingleader, or should I call him Prince Darin, he look at me, I look at him, I saw his royalty relic wind from his palm to his shoulder, showing his family hadn't been in power for as long as mine, which stretched from my wrist to my neck, gilded black tendrils stretching out to my chest and neck before ending.

He looks at me in analysis, probably figuring out the best way to end me. I look at his relic, black and silver, then I look him in the eyes as I hear dragons wings beating overhead. I see the navy blue figure of his dragon, a blue daggertail, rarest of them all, other than the black morningstar tail that disappeared after the war, he died due to injuries, infantry squads found his body, in between a valley, not much details after though. I stare at his dragons golden eyes, and lower myself slowly bowing, while other dragons land, some of the others ran, then got burnt to a crisp.

I kept my bow, and eye contact, directed at the Prince's dragon, it bared its teeth. I grin, may have been my grin that threatened people to stay away from the Raven girl but I smiled at the sharp, elongated teeth of the blue dragon. It side eyes me slightly, closing its mouth and turns to others, lifting its head and letting out a defiant roar, more cadets run, more death to add to the count.

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